I have been testing the parallax effect for background image for two weeks now and I can't do that.
Who can take a look at my project because it doesn't want to do what it has to do.
That is the website where I follow the steps because to get started but nothing works here
Can someone help me on my way here so that I still have that parallax effect.
I don't see any background images and no parallax effect.
What goes wrong here in the design of my project
My project attached. I have already tried everything but no results
Kind regards
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
Application Software PowerBasic Developer
e-mail : stephane.fonteyne@telenet.be
gmail : stephane760126@gmail.com
linkin : in : <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephane-fonteyn/53/402/204>
twitter : @Stefke36