New Page Question - Post ID 253900

User 2800147 Photo

Registered User
68 posts

OK, so don't laugh to loudly... this is how far I have got with my new website.

Now what I want to do is to make a new page which will have the list of all my PDF tutorials that links from the bottom left header and picture.

So when I click make a new page, a blank page comes up but I cant find the url for the new page to link it to my first page.
I need to call it something like jewellery-tutorials-list.
Any tutorial on how to do this would be appreciated.

Thanks, Hans
User 515127 Photo

Registered User
116 posts

Hello Hans,
Not sure I understand fully your question but I will try to answer anyway. :)

There are two primary ways to add a new page from the Pages toolbar icon - add blank page or duplicate current page. NOTE that RSD adds the filename extension .html to the name that shows on your screen.

The default name of the blank page will be blank.html and the default name of a duplicate page will be (assuming the current page is index) will be index_1.html. (Duplicate pages are created with the same name as the original with an appended _1 (or _2, or _3) (using the next available number). When you export the pages, these will be created in the 'home' folder and you reference them by creating a link - a usable relative link would be the full name of the page, including the html extension.

I find it easier and more intuitive to manage RSD pages using the Manage Project window - which can be opened using the hotkey Ctrl-Shift-I (my preference) or can be accessed by opening the Pages menu bar item and selecting Manage Project (the last item in the drop down list).

From the Manage Project window you can add pages by duplicating a page or creating a new blank page. You can also rename pages, delete pages, or change their order. I would open up the Manage Project window, double-click on the blank page name in the list of pages, rename blank to jewelry-tutorials-list.

Then you can navigate to your index page, open up the first of the menu unordered list items (PDF Tutorials) for edit by triple clicking on it or click on the item and select the edit (pencil icon) button within the RSD design panel.

Once you have entered edit mode, click the link + icon and type in the page name jewelry-tutorials-list.html. Click finish and it's now a link to your page. Before you click finish though - I would recommend setting the 'REGULAR' properties and 'HOVER' properties for the linked item and creating a 'friendly class name' for the applied style elements - something like menu-bar-item. That way, as you add links to the other list items, you can insert the URL and apply the class name - allowing for a reasonably efficient procedure to build out your menu.

Hope this helps,
Regards -

User 2800147 Photo

Registered User
68 posts

Thanks Gordon,
That was a very good reply.
The last two paragraphs caused a crack of light to appear on my event horizon.:)
Thanks again.
Regards, Hans

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