How Best to Include...

User 458800 Photo

Registered User
78 posts


I'm using SiteDesigner 5.0 with S-Drive.

I have a series of "legal" type documents (in PDF format) that I'd like to include on one of my pages; you know, click the button and the PDF opens in a separate web browser tab or Acrobat; whatever that device can do.

In the "old way" (before S-Drive), I would manually insert the documents into a "downloads" or "files" folder on my site's server, then just code the page to point to them accordingly. FTP my pages and files up to my hosting server, and bang it worked.

But with the S-Drive and "publish" button, there's really no way for me to do that manual process, is there? So there must be a button or function within the Site Designer interface for me to both include the file/object AND the link to open it, right?

I may just be a bit rusty (have been busier than I ever was before Covid!) and forgot how to do this. I'm willing to watch (rewatch?) a tutorial or read the relevant guide, but I don't see one that makes me think it has the answers to this question.

Thanks in advance for any hints you may be able to offer!

Windows 11
Intel i9 (workstation) and i9 (laptop). Gobs of RAM and acres of SSD space on both machines.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,192 posts

Hi Bif,
Create a folder in your project under Resources and add the files there.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 458800 Photo

Registered User
78 posts

Thanks, I'll jump on that later today!

What size t-shirt do you need to shop for for your dog? :P
Windows 11
Intel i9 (workstation) and i9 (laptop). Gobs of RAM and acres of SSD space on both machines.
User 2885601 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Eric Rohloff wrote:
Hi Bif,
Create a folder in your project under Resources and add the files there.

Happy New year!

I have 10 documents I would like to put in a "file cabinet". I would like to allow folks to select the one(s) they want to download and also have an 11th choice to download the whole zip archive at once. I've uploaded them all to the Resources folder as you suggest here.

How would I go about creating al link to display the folder?

I'm not using S Drive.

Thank so much.
Jim Capraro
User 2885601 Photo

Registered User
42 posts

Eric & Wayan,
Never mind, I solved this by using the Reveal Modal component." class="bb-url">Here's the site: - the modal is on the "Packet Documents" menu.

Quite an elegant solution. Thanks to Wayan for pointing us to it.

Jim Capraro

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