Help RSD and Menu Builder - Post ID...

User 2693187 Photo

Registered User
167 posts

Hi guys,

I've just started to use RSD - testing putting a menu in using Steve's tutorial:

However once I follow all steps - it appear quite strange as shown in screen cap below.

I'm not sure if I've done anything wrong - it's a two tier menu if that causes issues?

User 2693187 Photo

Registered User
167 posts

I've managed to insert a Wow slider using the same concept - no issues - but tried everything with the menu and still getting the same result. Basically at the moment it's a column divided - left is the logo right is the nav. I've even tried using the standard preset menu in CC menu builder - still same issue.

Current site - really rough at the moment.
User 2693187 Photo

Registered User
167 posts

I've seemed to get it to work in the browser. But unfortunately still got the full menu listing in RSD rather than the nice little box stating live preview not available for this HTML Element.

If anyone know why I can't make this appear let me know.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,193 posts

The menu won't display in RSD like it does in a browser. That's a feature they hope to add in one of the next updates.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2693187 Photo

Registered User
167 posts

Yeah I understand that - but was hoping it would contain the 'live preview not available for this HTML' box like it did for the WowSlider.

A lot more cleaner rather than having my whole menu listed in dot point.

User 2693187 Photo

Registered User
167 posts

Just got a reply from the superstar Adam East which works a treat.

if the full menu is displaying like mine and it's pretty annoying. Do the following:
There is a workaround however that you can implement to stop the menu from showing in the app. Simply enter <!-- % --> into the HTML box that holds the code for the menu.

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