Ahh ok Janys, thanks for clarifying that for me hehe. What problems are you having? Something I can help with maybe?
I have my existing website up and running with a new shopping cart using SCC. The URL is
http://blacklightshop.com I would appreciate any suggestions and thank everyone for their patience in helping with my questions regarding the SCC software. Just remember it is live and not in a test mode.
http://blacklightshop.com I would appreciate any suggestions and thank everyone for their patience in helping with my questions regarding the SCC software. Just remember it is live and not in a test mode.
Hiya Bill,
I'm found it a bit confusing to navigate your site as I couldn't get to the shop part directly at all. I had to click an item on your front page to do so which is a bit strange to me. You could slim down your home page a bit without listing every product there and put a Shop or Shop Now or whatever link on your menu for people to go directly to the shop itself. That would be much more natural and flowing as your home page doesn't really address the shop part at all and how to get there.
As I saw other than clicking the products or the View Cart buttons, your site pretty much seems to address ordering by phone or by using a contact us form, so you may want to redo that part so it goes through the shopping cart and all the work is done for you. You of course can keep the order by phone and contact page if you feel you need to, but I would redo the page do the main focus is the shop and reword the For Phone Orders Only paragraph so it say something about:
Not comfortable ordering Online? Call us today and order by phone... etc.etc. or something simlar.
I would remove the link to the contact form in that paragraph as it takes the shop out of the picture.
The other thing I would suggest is creating a couple categories for your items. Maybe put all light products into one category and all the other things that aren't lights into an accessories category? This of course is not in any way necessary, just a suggestion. If you choose to keep your products all on one page, you may want to reorder them so that all the lights are together and all the accessories are under them together to help people navigate your products a little easier.
Other than this, it's very nice looking, great products and I think you'll do very well, good luck!
I'm found it a bit confusing to navigate your site as I couldn't get to the shop part directly at all. I had to click an item on your front page to do so which is a bit strange to me. You could slim down your home page a bit without listing every product there and put a Shop or Shop Now or whatever link on your menu for people to go directly to the shop itself. That would be much more natural and flowing as your home page doesn't really address the shop part at all and how to get there.
As I saw other than clicking the products or the View Cart buttons, your site pretty much seems to address ordering by phone or by using a contact us form, so you may want to redo that part so it goes through the shopping cart and all the work is done for you. You of course can keep the order by phone and contact page if you feel you need to, but I would redo the page do the main focus is the shop and reword the For Phone Orders Only paragraph so it say something about:
Not comfortable ordering Online? Call us today and order by phone... etc.etc. or something simlar.
I would remove the link to the contact form in that paragraph as it takes the shop out of the picture.
The other thing I would suggest is creating a couple categories for your items. Maybe put all light products into one category and all the other things that aren't lights into an accessories category? This of course is not in any way necessary, just a suggestion. If you choose to keep your products all on one page, you may want to reorder them so that all the lights are together and all the accessories are under them together to help people navigate your products a little easier.
Other than this, it's very nice looking, great products and I think you'll do very well, good luck!
Hi Jo Ann....thank you for your critique. I will look them over. I kind of hate changing my existing home page as we enjoy being on the front page of most of the major search engines and that is very favorable for any site. One can have a great looking site but if you are not getting any placement on Google, etc not too good. I did like one and made the change about the wording on the phone text. I will seat on it for awhile. Meanwhile we do have orders coming through with the shopping cart but so far no increase as yet but I'm sure it will be down the road. Again Thank You!
You're disable select text script is pretty much worthless, IMHO. It only keeps honest people honest.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Tom wrote:
You're disable select text script is pretty much worthless, IMHO. It only keeps honest people honest.
You're disable select text script is pretty much worthless, IMHO. It only keeps honest people honest.

Hi Tom...if this message is meant for me, I have no idea what you are referring too. Give it to me in layman terms LOL
I was referring to the javascript you have on the site to disable text selection (highlight) with the mouse. You really can't protect anything on a webpage with javascript, so you keep honest people honest.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Tom wrote:
I was referring to the javascript you have on the site to disable text selection (highlight) with the mouse. You really can't protect anything on a webpage with javascript, so you keep honest people honest.
I was referring to the javascript you have on the site to disable text selection (highlight) with the mouse. You really can't protect anything on a webpage with javascript, so you keep honest people honest.

OK Thanks Tom
Very new to this. Will be using local spot television to advertise.
So thought I post 2 shops I am currently working on. I come from using other cart software like zencart, cube cart, presta shop. I found that are just way to heavy for someone who doesn't deal with software on a daily basis.
My daughter's shop:
She is 12 and has NO web experience, I taught the basics of SCC in 20minutes.
This one is more adult, don't worry no nudes. mostly boots and lingerie. if easily offended please don't click but like I said no nudes.
We have purchased the scc designer pro as well and used it to make templates. These templates are probably just temporary for now since we can keep experimenting with new ideas.
My daughter's shop:
She is 12 and has NO web experience, I taught the basics of SCC in 20minutes.
This one is more adult, don't worry no nudes. mostly boots and lingerie. if easily offended please don't click but like I said no nudes.
We have purchased the scc designer pro as well and used it to make templates. These templates are probably just temporary for now since we can keep experimenting with new ideas.
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