Page Width or # of Products - Post ID...

User 2078068 Photo

Registered User
17 posts

I bought CC Shopping Cart Designer and CC Shopping Cart Creator. I'm now working on setting up my store. I have several categories that have 5 items that I am trying to organize so that they are in rows of 5.

It only does 4 and then wraps the 5th.

Is there a way in one of the two programs to either change the page width to allow for 5 or specify 5 products per row?

I'm hoping I don't get the usual answer which is I have to buy another product. The add ons and upgrades are killing me.
User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

I hate to tell you this :( but i think the maximum is 4

For example if you select a template with 4 cross and increase the thumbnail size, it will revert eventually to three across.

Also if you select a theme with the side categories you get less across than with top categories

I had a similar issue, and changed my thumbnails till they were big enough to end up with three across, and magiced up a 6 product so i had two rows of three to make it look tidy

Check out the theme BLANK with top navigation, that may give you the maximum both ways
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
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