Image names - Post ID 72670

User 515848 Photo

53 posts

I've noticed that the software renames all the images with non-descript names.

I've always spent much time naming my images correctly and in a way that will aid search engine image results. One of my sites sells high quality historical photographs, and I'm loath to change it to CCSC if i'm going to lose those file names.

Is there a reason why CC took this approach?

Or have been wrong all this time ? :lol:

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User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

We did that so that each image correlates to a specific product and group. With descript names, it would be hard to figure out which product images goes with what. It also prevents the same image from being used on different products. If you have mydog.gif added to product 1 and then try to add it to product 2, we would have to then overwrite that image. All sorts of different scenarios could come into play.
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