Cart Template Spread your wings -...

User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts

In the template Spread your wings there is a very strange number in the welcome sentences.

see where it says "be sure to browse through all 1 product categories" what is that number 1 doing in that sentence? It does not make sense.

I have attached an image.

Can this be removed and the template reissued as they may be other like me who would like to use this template.

Or is there a way I can correct this ?


User 442230 Photo

Registered User
23 posts

I am assuming as you add more categories, the number increases. It doesn't make sense no much with 1 but it does make sense if there is more, it is just saying to come browse all 5 categories, or whatever number you end up having.
User 471275 Photo

1,130 posts


Thanks, that does make sense. I was testing it first with only one category.


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