Website not loading - Post ID 295810

User 3033418 Photo

10 posts

Thank you inger am really grateful please don't get tired of me I really need this for my business project. I made use of your using TextEdit/S-Drive instead of CSS because I could not afford one yet.
The code i input was
<a href=“file:///Users/ndabrahma/Desktop/kasuwa247/Index/Caps/cap/images/ca.jpg”> <img src=“file:///Users/ndabrahma/Desktop/kasuwa247/Index/Caps/cap/images/ca.jpg” width=“150” height=“200”></img> </a>
for clickebale image inside another image, it created a linkedable page but couldn't find the directory or map.

I also download a server called Cyberduck to organize my folders in one place because i could not afford to buy Direct FTP yet, but the server could not connect to coffeecup/S-Drive
User 3033418 Photo

10 posts

please help me out i don't just understand how to go about it
Thank you
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