Using own domain

User 182894 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

I've got the cName record for set to When I go to I get the default page for sDrive saying its not set up yet. When I go to the control panel and try to set up own domain I'm told that my domain is not set up properly. I've tried from three different ISP's with same result so I'm assuming (possibly wrongly) that the change has fully propagated to all the name servers.
Would a few kind readers try it from your locations to see if you get the coffeecup error page or an old blog page? If it's not fully propagated I'll wait before turning in support ticket...
Thanks in advance, hope y'all found some eggs.
Dayton, Ohio
The Birthplace & Incubator of Aviation
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,208 posts

When did you do the migration? It can take a day to get through.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 182894 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

About 20 hours ago, took 11 for domain to resolve to the coffecup site itself instead of the old blog. Was just wondering since it does successfully point to coffeecup it would seem to be ready.
Dayton, Ohio
The Birthplace & Incubator of Aviation
User 506757 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I just tried the link, and I get your default page for sDrive.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,208 posts

Did you get the success as explained in this article?

I see you have content on Your S-drive account.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 184085 Photo

1,707 posts

Since the site exists and loads, but doesn't I suggest there may be a typo in the redirect.
Volunteering to help :)
My HTML play area
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I updated your site so that it resolves to, but you have not setup a CNAME for just, so only will actually work for you.
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User 182894 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

Thanks Scott. What did I do wrong? The dashboard still says it is set up wrong. Must the also redirect?
Dayton, Ohio
The Birthplace & Incubator of Aviation
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Bru wrote:
Thanks Scott. What did I do wrong? The dashboard still says it is set up wrong. Must the also redirect?

I bet you just entered which is not a CNAME you setup yet. Only is actually setup with a CNAME.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 182894 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

No I was using the www... Must have been a recalcitrant name server somewhere that didn't know "Resistance is futile."
Thanks for the help everyone.
Dayton, Ohio
The Birthplace & Incubator of Aviation

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