Ok, so now that I've played around with it and finally figured out how to use it (for the most part) I really don't need the Test site address I made. So the only way to delete it is for you to do it? I really only need the single address w/3 contributors at the moment. Any way to start fresh?
Lloyd Harrington wrote:
Ok, so now that I've played around with it and finally figured out how to use it (for the most part) I really don't need the Test site address I made. So the only way to delete it is for you to do it? I really only need the single address w/3 contributors at the moment. Any way to start fresh?
Ok, so now that I've played around with it and finally figured out how to use it (for the most part) I really don't need the Test site address I made. So the only way to delete it is for you to do it? I really only need the single address w/3 contributors at the moment. Any way to start fresh?
Please open a support ticket for this request and we can take care of it for ya. Of course you could always upgrade to the Webbie Plan and get 3 addresses too(hint, hint).

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Thanks Scott. When I originally open the free account I had no idea of what the s-drive was or what I would even do with it. Since then I have come up with an idea for it. See what you think - arealwebsite.coffeecup.com
300 mg of free uploads per month to a Flickr account, automatically updates the Cooliris Photo Gallery wall. And I can add a direct link to FB to let friends and family know there are new pics. Right now I just need the 3 contrib (myself, my daughter, and son-in-law) on the free site, but hope to "sell" the idea to others that want an easy way to store all their pics and show them at the same time.
300 mg of free uploads per month to a Flickr account, automatically updates the Cooliris Photo Gallery wall. And I can add a direct link to FB to let friends and family know there are new pics. Right now I just need the 3 contrib (myself, my daughter, and son-in-law) on the free site, but hope to "sell" the idea to others that want an easy way to store all their pics and show them at the same time.
Actually, I found I didn't need to kill the first address. I created a sub-domain and changed the cname to the address I had here and all is well.
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