A Hyperlink To My Site Says My Site...

User 2820899 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

S Drive hosts my main website https://www.solareclipsetimer.com/ All hyperlinks to my site seem to work fine. However, a recently added hyperlink from the resource page from another website is not working properly. The other website is https://www.greatamericaneclipse.com/resources. When I click on the hyperlink to my site from this resource page it generates a Privacy warning. Is this something I have to correct somewhere in S Drive? I have attached a screenshot of the resource page web page with the inspection of the code and my website is listed properly. Any ideas on how to correct this?
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,572 posts

It seems to me that the GAE Resource page got the hyperlink wrong, omitting the www.

I too get a warning if I click on that incorrect link. The correct link https://www.solareclipsetimer.com/ seems to work fine.

User 2820899 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Frank, You are absolutely correct. I missed that. Thanks. I am reaching out to the owner of the GAE site.
Thanks again, Gordon

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