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User 2484360 Photo

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3,293 posts

Have you created something totally awesome with Responsive Layout Maker? Share what you created with others here.
User 2273654 Photo

Registered User
766 posts

Only the home pg but it is live on the S-drive. Still links to all of the old vsd pgs like 21 of them. Responsive home pg started with Responsive Layout Maker Pro then exported to RSD. It is mostly completed but I may make some more changes to it like the phone # clickable on devices. The top part of the home pg will be on most all of the other pgs so things should speed up now on the design or redesign.
Will be making lots of slide shows of job examples with the Responsive content slider.
Perhaps one could classify any responsive site pg as totally awesome?
My CC S-drive site
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Well since this forum isn't getting much love lately (wonder where all the previous posts for this thread (or maybe it was an older one) went that people had posted their sites on. I'm sure there were more than just 1 over the past 2+ years...

Anyways, here's my latest site that I just finished (still tweaking here and there, but it's pretty much done for the most part). Some very very beautiful jewelry that is hopefully showcased in a nice responsive website now. :)

Thanks Eric for your help on the product link switcher (for lack of a better name haha).

WARNING: This site uses music on every page and is very image heavy as it's mostly products that the person creates. No need to tell me about the warnings about using music, it's the client's request and she could not be talked out of it. It can be turned off on your browsers now and there is a button on the bottom of each page as well for turning it off.
User 2659306 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

I took the model of a friend architect on sitew, and transposed with RSD ... great result!

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