CSS Idea that has helped me - Page 2...

User 188640 Photo

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Thanks, I just fixed the favicon.

I had already web optimized the images in Photoshop but will look at compressing them. I thought I had checked about the gzip but must have missed that.

I don't know what Expirrey Headers are but will do that as well.

When I said there were three menus I meant the two below the big picture and the main menu up on top.

Off to work on these things.

Thank you Adam.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 2484360 Photo

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Ernie Hodge wrote:
I don't know what Expirrey Headers are but will do that as well.

They are basically code that tells the browser to cache certain items for X amount of time. Then when that time is up and I visit your website again the content redownloads rather than redownloading each time I visit.

Ernie Hodge wrote:
When I said there were three menus I meant the two below the big picture and the main menu up on top.

Is there a reason the two below the big picture is split into two? Could you not combine it into one?
User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

Adam East wrote:

They are basically code that tells the browser to cache certain items for X amount of time. Then when that time is up and I visit your website again the content redownloads rather than redownloading each time I visit.

Ernie Hodge wrote:
When I said there were three menus I meant the two below the big picture and the main menu up on top.

Is there a reason the two below the big picture is split into two? Could you not combine it into one?

I didn't know I could do that and may need a little guidance. Or are you talking about making the two menus into one? The 'Boss' (client) kind of wants them to look like they look now.

I found the GTmetrix site and it comes up with some things that Website Insight didn't report.

Phone call and gotta go eat my bowl of gruel. I'll come back later and finish this post.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 188640 Photo

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OK I'm back.

The GTmetrix site came up with 'Serve resources from a consistant URL' and it listed this:

The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 2
request(s) and 182.5KiB.
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js … 8.2.min.js
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/j … 8.2.min.js
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/j … 8.2.min.js
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 2
request(s) and 38.1KiB.
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js … 1.0.min.js
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/j … 1.0.min.js
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/j … 1.0.min.js
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 2
request(s) and 4.4KiB.
The following resources have identical contents, but are served from different URLs. Serve these resources from a consistent URL to save 1
request(s) and 2.7KiB.

My brain won't wrap around this as to how to combine these into one URL.

It also has 'Defer parsing of Javascript' and this listed:

305.9KiB of JavaScript is parsed during initial page load. Defer parsing JavaScript to reduce blocking of page rendering.
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js … 8.2.min.js (84.2KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/j … 8.2.min.js (84.2KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/j … 8.2.min.js (84.2KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js … 1.0.min.js (15.5KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/j … 1.0.min.js (15.5KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/j … 1.0.min.js (15.5KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js/mb.js (1.4KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/js/mb.js (1.3KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/js/mb.js (1.3KiB)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPV/js/tinynav.js (960B)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVL/js/tinynav.js (960B)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/MenuPVR/js/tinynav.js (960B)
http://www.panavistalodge.com/ (48B of inline JavaScript)

All of this has to do with my menus as well but it doesn't tell me how to fix this. I will go do some research and see what I can find but if you have any ideas I'm open to suggestions.

That's enough for now.
A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 187934 Photo

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You don't combine them. You remove the scripts leaving only one to do the work.
You don't have to delete the actual files but you do need to remove the script link that you add to your page.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 38401 Photo

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Eric Rohloff wrote:
You don't combine them. You remove the scripts leaving only one to do the work.
You don't have to delete the actual files but you do need to remove the script link that you add to your page.

You will also need to adjust the script links in any other addons (such as galleries, forms, sliders, etc) that point to those that you are removing and have them point to the one that you are leaving.
User 188640 Photo

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895 posts

Eric and Jo Ann,

I got the links changed and everything is working so I guess I did everything correct with the menu part.

There are some other things to fix and I'll be working on those now.


A Rose is Just a Weed in a Corn Patch!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Glad to hear you got it all working Ernie, good luck on the rest and keep up the good work!
User 122279 Photo

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Jo Ann wrote:
Eric Rohloff wrote:
You don't combine them. You remove the scripts leaving only one to do the work.
You don't have to delete the actual files but you do need to remove the script link that you add to your page.

You will also need to adjust the script links in any other addons (such as galleries, forms, sliders, etc) that point to those that you are removing and have them point to the one that you are leaving.

This is actually something the CC techs should look into.

A parallel: I seem to remember from 'the old days' (2004-5 or so), that when installing CC programmes on your computer it lead to installing the same resources (background imgs, icons, buttons etc.) for each programme, so that you ended up having several folders with more or less the same contents if you had installed a couple of those programmes. Eventually that was changed, and the programmes now share the resources.

So, we have quite a few programmes now that come with their own css files, js files and so forth, and especially the js files may be the same for some of them (jquery-ui, google font related e.g.). If you use RLM + MenuBuilder + ButtonBuilder + FormBuilder to create a site, you risk having 4 times the same js file and resetting css file. Is it possible to gather all these in a common folder, so that we only have one of each (in instead of several of the same one, of course)? And make it easy to set the correct path? I think non-coders would appreciate it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

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How the heck would we know what you have or don't have Inger? One person may have Menu Builder but another person has Button Builder or any other combination.

This is something you do not want to get us involved in as that would give you less flexibility. You as the user have control here by adding or removing what you do not want. That is what makes it so nice because it gives you full control. ;)

There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. Yes, there are duplications but it does not really cause any problems. For those who want to change it, they have the control to do so.
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