Adding Videos and Slideshows. - Page...

User 514943 Photo

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125 posts

Currently I am using Wordpress for my main website and my blog. What I would like to do is remake my main website with the Responsive Layout Maker, keeping my blog with wordpress.

Okay from my understanding I create the layout with the RLM and then go into my HTML CC Editor and personalize the layout- correct?

If I am correct, how would I insert my third party video/slideshow into the RLM website? Do I insert an image element, text element or other? Currently I am using iframe tag. I realize that the smaller layouts the video/slideshow will most likely be hidden.

Thank you kindly.
Love those Nikon's!
User 2088758 Photo

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3,098 posts

Hi Nikon,
I don't believe you will be able to integrate your blog into RLM other than referencing it in a link. To insert a third party gallery is pretty easy. I inserted a gallery on my website that I am currently changing using the RLM you can view the source code here:

In this case I used an image element and replaced it in the framework with my wow slider.

Hope this helps
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 514943 Photo

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125 posts

Hi Steve, I read through your previous post regarding the Wow Slider. I looked at your source code briefly and also looked at Wow Sliders instructions HOW TO ADD WOWSLIDER INTO AN EXISTING PAGE.

With CC update- is it really as easy as pasting the html in the header and body; copying wow slider files to website folder?

Thanks, Debra

PS- I plan on keeping the wordpress blog. What I would like to do is make my current website
recreating it with RLM. I'm in the process of upgrading my wow slider to the 5.1v.

Yes, the paper background will have to go, but responsive is more important to me.

I am no coder- but I can muddle my way through if not too difficult.

I really like your site. Thanks for sharing!
Love those Nikon's!
User 2088758 Photo

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3,098 posts

With CC update- is it really as easy as pasting the html in the header and body; copying wow slider files to website folder?

Yea its fairly easy. I am planning on doing a Youtube Tutorial on how to add a WOW Slider to a RLM website really soon. Basically the RLM is a framework tool and not a website builder. If you look here

You can see what my website looked like before I added the WOW Slider or any other content. Once you set up your framework kind of like what i did here you would open up the html files with an html editor and insert your code and content.

If you get stuck these forums are a good resource and a lot of nice people here. We can help you with most things you may come across. I will let you know on this thread once I have completed the Video.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 514943 Photo

Registered User
125 posts

Thank you Steve. I am looking forward to your tut!
Love those Nikon's!
User 2140875 Photo

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372 posts

Hi Steve,

I went to your responsive website. very nice. I clicked on a link to a Pet Shop website you built with SSCP and noticed you had placed a "You have x items in your cart. View Shopping Cart" link near the top of each page.

Do you mind sharing with me how you did that? I used the Starbit theme as a starting point and modified from there, but the ability to show how many items are in the cart appeals to my customer.

Thanks in advance for any help you might give!

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Ok I got ambitious tonight :) I have included a tutorial on how to add a WOW Slider to a Responsive Layout Maker framework.

Enjoy! :

Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
Hi Steve,

I went to your responsive website. very nice. I clicked on a link to a Pet Shop website you built with SSCP and noticed you had placed a "You have x items in your cart. View Shopping Cart" link near the top of each page.

Do you mind sharing with me how you did that? I used the Starbit theme as a starting point and modified from there, but the ability to show how many items are in the cart appeals to my customer.

Thanks in advance for any help you might give!


Actually this is very easy Galen :) It does require you to have Shopping Cart Designer Pro. You need to select the Cart Summary Properties then goto the Advanced tab and take the check mark out of Hide Cart Summary. You may have to adjust the padding and margins until its where you want it. Here is a screen shot.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
372 posts

Thanks! There are so many different places in there...guess I haven't seen them all yet.

Also, thanks for the stuff you've been doing with responsive layout maker. It's going to be a lot easier now that I've seen how you've done some things.

Take care,
User 132002 Photo

Registered User
131 posts

Nikon wrote:
Currently I am using Wordpress for my main website and my blog. What I would like to do is remake my main website with the Responsive Layout Maker, keeping my blog with wordpress.

Okay from my understanding I create the layout with the RLM and then go into my HTML CC Editor and personalize the layout- correct?

If I am correct, how would I insert my third party video/slideshow into the RLM website? Do I insert an image element, text element or other? Currently I am using iframe tag. I realize that the smaller layouts the video/slideshow will most likely be hidden.

Thank you kindly.

Hi Nikon

You should be able to have it in your Wordpress site.
On this site it is incorporated into CMS MadeSimple.
And on this site it is incorporated into Joomla.

Sorry but both sites is in Danish, but it should show you it can be done.


Søren, Denmark

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