Adding a Wow Slider to RLMP - Page 2...

User 2036243 Photo

Registered User
36 posts

I had a good look at your video, Nigel and it was a great help. In fact, I'd sort of worked out that was the best way to do it, but it's most reassuring to see you do the same!

However, I think I've been rather clever in reducing the wowslider overhead if using multiple pages and a typically modular folder structure. I tend to produce parallel pages in different languages, So we have
images english french
| |
p1.hrml p2 html p1.html p2.html

and so on (sorry these BB engines never respect layout)
If I try to insert a woslider into an English page the data and engine subfolders are created as root/english/data1 and root/english/engine1

Clearly if I am using many pages, with sliders, structured identically, and each in several languages, we're talking about a VERY large overhead. mainly using the same files.

So I moved the data and engine folders as subfolders to the root folder, at the same level as the image and languages

Then in the header section I inserted ../ before the two links
so that instead of
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/jquery.js"></script>
I had
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../engine1/style.css" media="screen" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../engine1/jquery.js"></script>

I made similar changes in the body section of wowslider. Text and titles are in the right language and the images slide identically.
The only thing that's a bit tricky is that all the images you are going to use in all your pages are inserted into the /data/images folder created to put the slider versions of your images as set in the program. I suspect that if you are only ever going to show images in wowslider, then although versions of the originals may be kept off line, they don't need to be stored online - just the wowed versions in data/images.

If you are going to use an effect whereby wowslider shows thumbs, then you have to do a similar exercise into the tooltips folder.

I don't think any of this is affected by responsifying the pages, by the way, as they are all added after the fundamental structure has been created by RLMP.

I hope this might be useful to someone, because it means that integrating identical slider types with differing slideshows is a fairly trivial cut and paste and edit job on the references to the images themselves.

<li><img src="../data1/images/attic_redec1.jpg" alt="attic_redec1" title="attic_redec1" id="wows1_0"/>hello</li>

could become:-
<li><img src="../data1/images/bottle_of_latour.jpg" alt="Picture of a delicious wine" title="Bottoms up fellers" id="wows1_0"/>Cheers, I don't mind if I do</li>

- on another page and work there perfectly well, without altering the engine or data files, just adding bottle_of_latour.jpg to the data/images folder in the size used for all of them.

All the Best
User 91713 Photo

Registered User
83 posts

Great video Steve.
The perfection isn't reached in one pass.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Thanks glad it helped :)
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Steve Kolish

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