Suggestions for Responsive Email...

User 2844004 Photo

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I'm not sure where this is going, but I suppose -owning Responsive Email Designer for Business- there will be a upgrade plan when the 'final' RED2 is released then?
Sorry to be such a pain, but I do really like RED2, it's awesome, but it's the monthly subscription I'm a little reluctant about. (I'd rather pay for updates/upgrades every now and then (yeah I know, old-fashioned).)

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
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User 103173 Photo

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rvanheukelum wrote:
I'm not sure where this is going, but I suppose -owning Responsive Email Designer for Business- there will be a upgrade plan when the 'final' RED2 is released then?
Sorry to be such a pain, but I do really like RED2, it's awesome, but it's the monthly subscription I'm a little reluctant about. (I'd rather pay for updates/upgrades every now and then (yeah I know, old-fashioned).)

– Richard

No decision has been made there as RED 2 is still in beta.
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User 453525 Photo

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I agree with Richard. I'd rather pay for updates/upgrades from time to time than be locked into a monthly subscription fee. RED2 is great. But for me it will be a deal breaker if I have to pay a subscription for RED2.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Keith wrote:
I agree with Richard. I'd rather pay for updates/upgrades from time to time than be locked into a monthly subscription fee. RED2 is great. But for me it will be a deal breaker if I have to pay a subscription for RED2.

What if we charged $199 for RED 2.0 and it just came with a 2 year subscription? That would also mean for those 2 years you get free upgrades.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 2844004 Photo

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The 'old school' way -paid upgrades, free updates- works just fine. Updates are free, upgrades are charged for ... it's an accepted and proven system.

Selling a RED2 upgrade to a 'RED for Business' or 'RED Personal' user won't get you $199 for each and every single licence, but $69 (when upgrading from RED for Business), $129 (when upgrading from RED Personal) or $199 instead. But those for who current proposal is a deal breaker will stay onboard.

Get the current (and new) users to also go for the CC RED2 Mail service on top of purchasing a licence. It's added value. Get it to import exported lists from the competition, make the transition easy and appealing." Treat RED2 just as it was RSD2, but offer/sell the optional mail service additionally.

For those who don't need the CC mailservices itself and rather stay with their current (and proven) mailservice like MailChimp it's just the RED2 app itself they will need (or want) to upgrade. And pricing? Well ...

RED2 : $199

Upgrade to RED2
You currently own RED1 Personal : $129
You currently own RED1 for Business : $69

Additional/optional service (the added value)
RED2 Mail service : $9 Monthly plan* / $89 Year plan
*montly cancellable, auto renewable

– Richard
Living in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands
13" MacBook Air M1 + 2x LG 24" IPS QHD / 8GB RAM / 500GB SSD / macOS 14.3 Sonoma
User 2874833 Photo

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Feature Request:

I would like to be able to enter a field into the Href section of an image. For example I would like to be able to place [weburl]. So that when I export the html for other things, I can replace the tag with the specific link that i'm trying to.

Currently, if I try to put in brackets, I have to click out of the image to trick the system so it doesn't convert the brackets. (If I click anywhere inside after using brackets, it changes them).
User 187934 Photo

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Are you using it so you can easily fine it? Cant you use #weburl and use your editor to find and replace that?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 453525 Photo

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Scott Wrote:
What if we charged $199 for RED 2.0 and it just came with a 2 year subscription? That would also mean for those 2 years you get free upgrades.

Scott, I have given your suggestion a lot of thought and it sounds fairly reasonable. However, free upgrades for two years does not carry a lot of persuasive power given the long gap between updates for products like RED and RSD and Web Form Builder and others. I still feel unnecessarily tied down when dealing with a subscription.

What I really want is a piece of stand alone software that I can purchase for a reasonable price that will live on my computer and that I can use as long as I think it serves my purpose. If an update comes along for that product and I think it will benefit me, I will purchase the upgrade. If I think the upgrade doesn’t fit my needs I’ll hang on to the former version.

I should also state that when I say a “reasonable price” I do not mean “cheap.” I mean a price that is fair to the consumer and fair to you as the developer. You work hard and deserve to receive solid compensation for a solid product. So, charge me what you think your product is worth and let me buy it and use it to do great things.
User 2176928 Photo

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I'd like to echo suggestions of an image export option. And FTP manager - the s-drive uploading is nice, but I would like to keep my RED campaigns archived in the same place as non-RED campaigns, and including the HTML file, possible linked web pages and PDF files etc.

I previously used equinux mail designer pro and that has very easy to use image management & export (though RED is much better for designing layouts, which ultimately is more important).
User 10077 Photo

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I'm not sure if this has been suggested or not, but when using RED to send to a list of emails, it would be nice to be able to throttle the # of emails per minute that RED sends out.
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