Mailchimp Integration - Page 1 - Post...

User 2693187 Photo

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167 posts

Hi guys,

Sorry - I've been a bit out of the loop with RED for a while.

Just wondering if there has been any development with integration with Mailchimp?

As I know I have a lot of clients that I set up e-mails (where they plug and chug images and text - that I've already setup in templates) are keen to move across to responsive.

When I last dabbled - it seemed to work ok - but came across issues when you uploaded a new photo to the template - it would only inherit the original image coded into the template.

Any feedback would be awesome!

Thanks in advance!
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

It's in the works but we don't have an ETA. If you guys can fund us some developers we can speed these things up :P

For the image, it will need to be replaced on the server. Using our automated picture hosting will solve this.
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User 2837238 Photo

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I just pay for RED business. Can u tall me when we have it. (Before I buy I think it "getting there")
User 2837238 Photo

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:( no news
User 2088758 Photo

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3,098 posts

Hi Darlie,

I guess we don't understand your question. Can you please be more specific?
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User 2837238 Photo

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When We can have Mailchimp Integration ?
User 414501 Photo

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564 posts


I am thinking of purchasing Red while its on sale for the FOJ weekend. However, I am wondering how to actually *send* emails after I have designed my campaign with this software. Most ISPs only allow 100 or so emails/recipients per hour, so I certainly wouldn't be using Outlook to send an email to 1,000+ people. Even webmail options available through web hosts like Dreamhost, BlueHost, etc have SMTP limitations in place to prevent spam. I know this thread is about mailchimp, but I actually use a different company, called YMLP (see link below). Does anyone know if I might be able to use YMLP is conjunction with RED? Thank you!
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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You would export your email Chad and then bring that file into YMLP and send your email with them. Just make sure that they do not make any modifications to the markup when sending otherwise it could break your email. Services like MailChimp, Mandrill, and Constant Contact are ones that we know work very well.
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User 414501 Photo

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564 posts

Thanks Scott! When I contacted YMLP with the same question they sent me this link to their support page. So RED will export HTML that I can just copy/paste into YMLP, as long as they don't modify the code it should work fine?
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Chad Spillars wrote:
Thanks Scott! When I contacted YMLP with the same question they sent me this link to their support page. So RED will export HTML that I can just copy/paste into YMLP, as long as they don't modify the code it should work fine?

That is 100% correct. ;)
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