User 2924428 Photo

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1,718 posts

I'm interested as well!!
User 104702 Photo

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293 posts

How Long? My 3 month subscription is almost over....
John van Hulst
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

johnvanhulst wrote:
How Long? My 3 month subscription is almost over....

We do not yet have a date for Responsive Designer release. If all testing goes well we should hopefully release it in the first part of 2014. However, the Responsive Layout Maker is expected out in the very near future. As a member you will get a copy of this once it is release.
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 114319 Photo

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7 posts

What is the projected release date?
User 471529 Photo

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5 posts

I need some basic training on the whole responsive design process...

I've downloaded the responsive programs and most of the themes, and used one of the responsive themes, but I really feel like I'm not quite clear on how everything is set up. I'm pretty good with HTML & CSS, been coding basic sites for many years, but to give one example, I'm not sure how images should be set up and how they resize between desktop, pad, and phone. Responsive Layout Maker documentation is high altitude overview at best, and in a state of being worked on at worst. So any recommendation on books, tutorials, or something that can fill in the basics under the Responsive Layout Maker for me? Thanks, Ken
User 187934 Photo

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20,253 posts

For the most part if a site isn't using any kind of Jquery script to get the response then you would be using media queries and % for all dimensions that you want to automatically re-size.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 1948478 Photo

Senior Advisor
1,850 posts

Kenneth Johnson wrote:
...So any recommendation on books, tutorials, or something that can fill in the basics under the Responsive Layout Maker for me?...

For the basic structure of responsive design, concentrate on the 'three pillars of responsive design':

1. Fluid grids
2. Flexible images
3. media queries

For a quick, yet substantive, introduction, I'd suggest Ethan Marcotte's original paper on the subject:

He expands on the subject in his brief, easy-to-read book 'Responsive Web Design': … web-design
User 2924428 Photo

Registered User
1,718 posts

Per! , Gracias for the info, i'm going to be diving head first into this book.
User 132835 Photo

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17 posts

Scott Swedorski wrote:
Responsive Web Designer will be another Editor in our line up. Instead of using the Web Editor, you would use RWD to build your website. That program would be the one to bring it all together.

Looking forward to that new designer - sounds really cool

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