Using "Target" in Visual Editor -...

User 484408 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

How is the Target function used in Visual Editor. I read all of the references in the Forums and Help screens but I am still not clear on how to use it.

I want to Link to a target paragraph on the same page. i.e. have a list of topics and go directly to that paragraph when a particular topic is selected.

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts

Target is mostly used in frames, telling the link to break out of the frame, or which frame to put the linked content.

To link to something on the same page, you need two entries. First, you need a link that your site visitor can click to move down the page. That link will look something like this: <a href="#dogs">Dogs</a> so someone could click on dogs to read a paragraph about dogs, and that would move them to another entry like this: <a name="dogs" id="dogs">DOGS are GREAT</a> followed by the paragraph on Dogs. If you don't want to use a title, you can make the second tag look like this: <a name="dogs" id="dogs">DOGS are GREAT</a><a name="dogs" id="dogs"></a>

For more information on links, you can visit this page:
Hope this helps.
User 484408 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

Thanks for your reply. You explained very well in one paragraph what I did not grasp from pages on the web.

This does create new questions for me. (I am a newbie but getting there)

For the "Link for customers to click on", does this have to be a button or just a regular text link?

How do I assign the "click on" link in VSD? Enter the HTML code in the URL space?

I am guessing that I enter the HTML code at the beginning of the Target paragraph.

Can I use the same process to create a "Back to the Top" at the end of each Target paragraph?
Thanks again
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


I actually thought you were referring to the visual editor in the HTML Editor. I think a VSD expert is needed here. I can tell you about the code, but I don't think using the HTML tool in VSD will do what you want.

As for the anchor code, there are two parts for an anchor. The first part has all the working information such as the web or page address and the name and id, and if you need the target, it also goes in the first part. The second part is just the closing tag. What goes between the two is what the browser will display. SO if you leave the middle out, there is no display (use that for the destination tag) and if you enter text, the text is a link, and if you enter a graphic, the graphic is the link.

<a href="someplace"> visible link </a>

If you want a button, it would look like:

<a href="#top"><img src="top_button.jpg" width="50" height="50" title="top button" alt="top button"></a>

If you put that code at the end of each paragraph you would have a link that would go to anywhere on the page that you have placed the code <a name="top" id="top"></a>

Does that explain the anchor for you?

Hopefully a VSD expert will join and explain how it can be done with VSD.
User 282670 Photo

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3,940 posts

All that can be done in VSD, But as Bill says, you would need to use the Html Tool to add the link and code it in, as I have an example here.
Also in frames

User 484408 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

Sorry about that.
It is the Visual Editor in HTML Editor that I am using.
User 282670 Photo

Registered User
3,940 posts

my mistake! sorry for butting in guys.

User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


I think you are perfectly on target for what was the original question and what this has evolved into.

Jerry was asking about targets, but I think he really wanted to know about the in-page links.

Oops! I missed his message about actually using the HTML Editor. :)
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


The code will still have to be written. but the visual editor window will help.

Type in your list of items that you wish to use. In my example, I have used dogs, so I would add some more animals and have a list of DOGs, CATS, BIRDS, HORSES. Now insert your paragraphs about the various animals. Now click just in front of the dog paragraph and click on insert and about the second item down is "target" and if you click on that a window opens asking for the target name where I would enter dog and click on ok. I now have the code <a name="dog"></a> at the beginning of my paragraph on dogs.

Now back up to the list (this could be done first). Highlight the word dog then click on insert, click on link, enter the URL of #dog and if you want you my click OK, or you may enter some words to show as tool-tip or mouse-over.

Let me know if this works.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Unfortunately VSD does not have the option to use anchor tags yet. It is one feature that I really want to get in there. We are just wrapping up version 6.0 testing and I hope to have that version out within 2 weeks. After that I will see what I can do about getting it in one of the next versions.
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