Unwanted Black Border or Box - Page 2...

User 122279 Photo

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I opened your site, John and saved it locally. The image had a border. I removed the border in Photoshop and uploaded the site here: eikweb.com/mohn/photography.htm. Result: no border.

Let me know when you have seen it, so that I can take it down again.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 207106 Photo

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Every single image, full-size and thumbnail, has always been added through the use of the CoffeeCup HTML editor.

If there were a border in the photo, why does that so-called border not appear in Paintnet or IrfanView, nor when I look at the .html file using the HTML editor? I am sorry, but your claim that there is a border in the photo, not in your edited version, yet the border appears on-line when I add your .jpg to index.html through CoffeeCup, makes no sense to me.
User 103173 Photo

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John Liebson wrote:
Every single image, full-size and thumbnail, has always been added through the use of the CoffeeCup HTML editor.

If there were a border in the photo, why does that so-called border not appear in Paintnet or IrfanView, nor when I look at the .html file using the HTML editor? I am sorry, but your claim that there is a border in the photo, not in your edited version, yet the border appears on-line when I add your .jpg to index.html through CoffeeCup, makes no sense to me.

We have all proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that this has nothing to do with the Editor John. All of us here have shown that the image itself has the border. It is absolutely impossible for the HTML Editor to add this as the Editor has no graphics editing capabilities. You need to examine closely what you are doing because you are somehow adjusting those graphics. As both Adam, Inger and myself said, we took your image and the border was there. We all removed it and uploaded it and it is gone. All you have to do is take that image and upload it.

Don't argue with the messengers John. We do have some experience here with this. After all, we made the program to begin with. ;)
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User 207106 Photo

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19 posts

Inger wrote:
I opened your site, John and saved it locally. The image had a border. I removed the border in Photoshop and uploaded the site here: eikweb.com/mohn/photography.htm. Result: no border.

Let me know when you have seen it, so that I can take it down again.

I copied your edited image, loaded it into index.html, uploaded index.html to the web site; the border is still there. This simply reinforces my strongly-expressed opinion in this thread that the border is coming from some quite-unknown and likely unknowable source.

I certainly appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to try to assist me.
User 207106 Photo

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19 posts

Scott: I have not, nor did I intend, to imply that the HTML editor had any likely connection with the problem. I believe I have made it quite clear that whatever is creating the so-called border is being inserted by something beyond the control of the HTML editor and beyond both my capabilities and control.

I believe this to be proven by Inger's efforts on my behalf to edit the image, which, as I reported to him, when uploaded to Bluehost as the main image in index.html, continues to have the same "border" as all my editing efforts, etc. I continue to suspect some odd behavior on the part of Bluehost, a suspicion that I doubt that I could ever prove.

With that, I shall express my thanks to all who have participated in a valiant effort to assist. I have already told the site owner that I was having no success whatsoever in presenting the photo as he wants it to be seen; I shall inform him that I'm not going to spend any further time on this, and return to my writing my history of the second fire department I started, the history of the first such organization having already been posted.

(Self-advertising for anyone masochistic enough to read the memoir: Go to http://www.cbfpd.org/ , hover over Fire Division, click on CBFPD History. The link is at the top of that page.)
User 2484360 Photo

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John Liebson wrote:
Inger wrote:
I opened your site, John and saved it locally. The image had a border. I removed the border in Photoshop and uploaded the site here: eikweb.com/mohn/photography.htm. Result: no border.

Let me know when you have seen it, so that I can take it down again.

I copied your edited image, loaded it into index.html, uploaded index.html to the web site; the border is still there. This simply reinforces my strongly-expressed opinion in this thread that the border is coming from some quite-unknown and likely unknowable source.

I certainly appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to try to assist me.

I think this is the issue. You are uploading the index.html but are you uploading the image itself? You can add it all day to the index.html file, but if you do not upload the updated image, it will not show online. :P
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,474 posts

You must have done something funny with that one image which has that border. If the 'funny' had been in the Editor, and you are saying that you added all the images using the Editor, then the rest of the images also would have had a similar border.

I'd suggest you go through your css file with a fine comb, and also through the settings of whichever image editing programme you are using. I've become quite curious about where that border comes from.

And another thing you could try: If you have the opportunity to upload the site to a different server, preferrably non-Bluehost, what happens to the border? Or if you don't have access to other servers, try making a folder called whatever you want, create a new front page with just two or three images, using the same css file, and also without using that css file. What happens to the border? I'm just trying to find a way of narrowing down the problem...
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 207106 Photo

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19 posts


Rats! The one time I failed to also upload a revised image file was, of course, Inger's file, which I no longer have, and hope that he will be kind enough to uploaded it for me again. I have just been so busy trying to fix the problem today that, having revised and uploaded index.html some unknown number of times, each time except what might have been the only important time, uploading both the revised index.html and any revised image files.

Mega Sigh.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I prefer to read about it during the day, rather than what I do all too often, namely wake up at some strange hour having realized that I had made an error, or failed to do something, or thought of something to add to whatever I was working on earlier.
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,474 posts

I'll take down the test site again then. (BTW, 'Inger' is not a 'him' ;) )
One more thing that could be interesting to try: Could you mail me the image, the one on the index page which doesn't have a border as long as it is on your computer? Send it to inger@coffeecuphelp.com I would like to place it online in that test site I made before I take it down.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 207106 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Inger: With my apology for my complete failure to treat your revised photo, please see my reply to Adam, as he is completely correct. I revised the link to your version, and then never uploaded the image file. Seeing no improvement, i deleted your image.

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