Unwanted Black Border or Box - Page 1...

User 207106 Photo

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I'm not a web designer; I only created the site several years ago to help a friend, for what I thought would be a site with perhaps twenty-four photos. It now has over 200.

I have one problem that I cannot figure out: This page has an obvious and unwanted black border around the photo, and I don't know where it is coming from nor how to get rid of it. It is not in the photo itself, and I never see the border when editing the page with CoffeeCup, nor do any other photos demonstrate the border on-line..

I would appreciate finding out what is doing this and, if possible, how to eliminate.it.

User 103173 Photo

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From what I see John, the border is on the image.

http://patrickallenmohnphotography.com/ … mohn17.jpg
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User 122279 Photo

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Yes, definitely in the image. You can crop the image in an image editing programme to get rid of the border..
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User 207106 Photo

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Thanks, but I continue to be baffled. When I load the original into PaintNet, there is no border, and when I load index.html on my computer into Firefox or IE, there is no border. This was also true of the photo that had been there for several years; the one there now, on-line, was a new scan of the original slide provided to me by the photographer.

I do see the photo itself, on-line, seeming to be in a very large black box, but that is NOT a border; load other photos from the site, ones that do not show a border, and you will see the same black box.

If I load the image from my computer into IrfanView I see no border, just the large black box that I also see when I load other .jpg files from the same site, as stored on my computer. That box has nothing to do with the image, it is just part of IrfanView.

I have even put border="0" into the img src link; that makes no difference, as it does not remove a border that seems not to be there.

What baffles me is that I don't see how to remove the border, or whatever it is when I have the .jpg in PaintNet, as no border is there. How can I remove a border which I cannot see, given that I cannot find a medieval incantation purported to remove such intrusions?
User 2484360 Photo

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John Liebson wrote:
Thanks, but I continue to be baffled. When I load the original into PaintNet, there is no border, and when I load index.html on my computer into Firefox or IE, there is no border. This was also true of the photo that had been there for several years; the one there now, on-line, was a new scan of the original slide provided to me by the photographer.

I do see the photo itself, on-line, seeming to be in a very large black box, but that is NOT a border; load other photos from the site, ones that do not show a border, and you will see the same black box.

If I load the image from my computer into IrfanView I see no border, just the large black box that I also see when I load other .jpg files from the same site, as stored on my computer. That box has nothing to do with the image, it is just part of IrfanView.

What baffles me is that I don't see how to remove the border, or whatever it is when I have the .jpg in PaintNet, as no border is there. How can I remove a border which I cannot see, given that I cannot find a medieval incantation purported to remove such intrusions?

I have removed the border by just cropping the image you have online. You can find it here http://cl.ly/image/1B3x113n103N/mohn17.jpg
User 207106 Photo

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19 posts

I am sorry, but there is clearly NO border in the original photograph file. I can crop it many ways, that makes no dfference on-line, the border (or whatever it is, and I don't believe it is a border, but, rather, some strange box of some sort,) and nothing changes.

I don't want to be argumentative, but, again, I see no way of removing a border that does not exist, at least as far as I can determine after many edits of the image file.
User 207106 Photo

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19 posts

I forgot to mention a test I ran early this morning: I removed the image that is causing me the problem, and inserted in its place another image, one that does not show a border when viewed on-line in its respective .html file. I uploaded the revised index.html file.

Would you care to guess what appeared on the monitor when I viewed the revised file? If you guessed that it showed the very same "border," the one that does not exist, you would be correct. (I quickly restored the page to show the proper image.)

What people are claiming is a border on the photo is clearly something else, but what that "else" is, I cannot determine. I certainly don't see anything in index.html that would cause this, and--again--the so-called "border" does not appear when the file is loaded directly from the HTML editor, it is only there on-line.

I also should mention that, somewhat out of desperation, I did ask technical support at Bluehost if the support agent could figure it out. As I expected, he said that this was not really his area of expertise (Bluehost is a host, not a web design site,) but he kindly looked at the page in question. He said he could not help.

User 2484360 Photo

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John Liebson wrote:
I am sorry, but there is clearly NO border in the original photograph file. I can crop it many ways, that makes no dfference on-line, the border (or whatever it is, and I don't believe it is a border, but, rather, some strange box of some sort,) and nothing changes.

I don't want to be argumentative, but, again, I see no way of removing a border that does not exist, at least as far as I can determine after many edits of the image file.

The only thing I can think of is that Paintnet is adding the border on export or it is some type of mask you have applied to the image.

You can download the image I linked and simply upload it to remove the border.
User 207106 Photo

Registered User
19 posts

Adam: I downloaded,saved, inserted your modified file, uploaded the revised page. I was not the slightest bit surprised to find that the border is still there.

In fact, Paintnet never touched the photo. Earlier, the photographer would send me images that I needed to modify in terms of size, sometimes even in terms of cropping, as, while he is a fine photographer, computers and the Internet are not something he is comfortable with. However, with my urging and instruction, the full-size images he sends to me are used just as they are. They are inserted into Paintnet to create their related thumbnail files, but the originals are not touched. Even when I did have to modify the originals, the only image that has ever had a black "border" is the one that is causing me problems. With over two hundred images on the web site, and only one shows a border, and it only shows a border on line, there has to be some quite unknown and/or hidden code or other mechanism creating the border. The photograph itself simply has notihing to do with the border.

I continue to be totally convinced that the border has nothing whatsoever to do with the page nor the photo; it almost seems to be something inserted by Bluehost. However, that theory is somewhat disprove by the Bluehost tech telling me that there is nothing he can do about it. If it were true, then he ought to have known that this is normal behavior on their servers.
User 2484360 Photo

Registered User
3,293 posts

John Liebson wrote:
Adam: I downloaded,saved, inserted your modified file, uploaded the revised page. I was not the slightest bit surprised to find that the border is still there.

In fact, Paintnet never touched the photo. Earlier, the photographer would send me images that I needed to modify in terms of size, sometimes even in terms of cropping, as, while he is a fine photographer, computers and the Internet are not something he is comfortable with. However, with my urging and instruction, the full-size images he sends to me are used just as they are. They are inserted into Paintnet to create their related thumbnail files, but the originals are not touched. Even when I did have to modify the originals, the only image that has ever had a black "border" is the one that is causing me problems. With over two hundred images on the web site, and only one shows a border, and it only shows a border on line, there has to be some quite unknown and/or hidden code or other mechanism creating the border. The photograph itself simply has notihing to do with the border.

I continue to be totally convinced that the border has nothing whatsoever to do with the page nor the photo; it almost seems to be something inserted by Bluehost. However, that theory is somewhat disprove by the Bluehost tech telling me that there is nothing he can do about it. If it were true, then he ought to have known that this is normal behavior on their servers.

There is something you are overlooking here. Bluehost is not the issue, and if you really uploaded the image I provided it would not have had a border.

What we are all telling you is that the image that is uploaded right now, has a border ingrained in the image itself. This is not being set by CSS or inline CSS. You are not replacing the correct image.

How are you adding the image to your page? Is it via a control panel or some type of software like the HTML Editor?

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