Suggestions for CoffeeCup HTML Editor...

User 2108985 Photo

Registered User
47 posts

Would it be possible to provide a button to "Save as" - "My Website Project"?

For now it is possible to:
- New Website Project
- Open Website Project
- Close Website Project
- Remove Website Project

If I'm trying to design a website and I have a certain result but I like to work more on this Project by changing some things to improve it. It would be nice if I could "Save as" my (temporary) project to keep it as a kind of "build xxx" and just go on changing and trying.
Later, if necessary, I can come back to a certain saved build to change some things.

User 92156 Photo

Registered User
272 posts

Can you make CSS Menu Designer's dialogue box resizable?
When I decided to add extra HTML to my list I found it a bit of a pain to continuously scroll sideways.
User 294038 Photo

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35 posts

Is there an option to change the font type and size in the code editor? They say the eyes are the first thing to go... I think they may be right. :|
I am using HTML Editor, LockBox, Photo Gallery, Visual Site Designer (for the kids), Web Form Builder, Web Video Player, Shopping Cart Creator, Shopping Cart Designer and Flash Website Search. My works in perpetual progress:
User 184085 Photo

1,707 posts

You can set the display font for the code display in the editor, but not size it appears. A good suggestion, maybe the forum gurus can move this to the editor suggestions area.

Toolbar and menu text should pick up on the size for your default windows setting.
Volunteering to help :)
My HTML play area
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I would love to see the Preview window stay in the same place on the page when you have it open while editing (in other words with the F12 that has it split screened). It's really annoying every time I make a change on the bottom of a page I have to rescroll down to the bottom of the page on the preview again making it pretty much no better than just having it open in it's own tab as I usually do. Just thought I'd turn it on in split screen mode again to see if the delay was any better than it used to be, but delay isn't the main issue here, movement of the page is so.... back to tabbed preview window again :/
** DONE **
User 2049588 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Hi, I'm a relatively new user and for the most part like the editor but I have a few suggestions that would really make it killer.

1. The shift-tab thing (mentioned over and over by others) come on guys, this really needs to be fixed!
(It should left tab the line or selected text)
2. Section replaces. There needs to be an option to highlight text and do a search and replace within the highlited text.

3. Inform me of how many replacements were made after selecting "replace all".

4. Bookmarks need to be mapped to the numeric key pad. Currently you can place a bookmark by ctrl+keyboard number but it will not work if you use ctrl+keypad number (moving to a bookmark has the same problem)

5. A REALLY usefull feature would to be able to highlight blocks of code ie; find the begining and ending tags of items such as <div></div> or any other blocks. Many times I have large nested blocks of text I'm working on and it can be a pain finding the tags manually. (I didn't necessarily write the code but I do find myself maintaining it!)

Well that's my 2 cents. Mostly I like the editor but I think the above suggestions would make it much more useable.

User 352653 Photo

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35 posts

It would be nice if there was the ability to preform a one click CSS Validation, similar to the HTML Validation.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13
User 1854541 Photo

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34 posts

Dennis Stockton wrote:
2. Section replaces. There needs to be an option to highlight text and do a search and replace within the highlited text.

3. Inform me of how many replacements were made after selecting "replace all".

5. A REALLY usefull feature would to be able to highlight blocks of code ie; find the begining and ending tags of items such as <div></div> or any other blocks. Many times I have large nested blocks of text I'm working on and it can be a pain finding the tags manually. (I didn't necessarily write the code but I do find myself maintaining it!)

Hi ,
I think these are good suggestions by Dennis.

I really love this HTML Editor and have found it pretty intuitive for an uninformed, self-taught, down-sized, super-sized, middle-aged guy like me who has gotten into this webmaster gig as a necessity. I use it along wth several other pieces of CC Software and am hooked. It's easy enough to learn from and yet sophisticated enough to keep me challenged.

Like Dennis, I think it would be great to be able to NOT have to figure out the beginning and ending tags on my own. I'm still learning HTML and so end up spending a lot of time tweaking where things should go. Clearly this is my learning curve, but it might be a nice time saver.

I'm a bit confused about Dennis' #2 suggestion, because I thought this was already built in. I have searched and replaced several sections using the "replace all" and "Look in folder..." feature. It then displays all the replacements made for me in a new panel on the bottom of the window. I find this really usefull when adding/updating a menu.

What would be a nice feature is if I could then Ctrl/Shift select all the changed pages in the bottom panel where I've made these replacements and directly upload all them from this panel instead of having to find them in the tabbed left column.

I also wonder if it is possible in the future to be able to highlight some text or an image on the "Preview" view and then switch back to the "Code Editor" and have those lines or objects still highlighted?

Just a couple thoughts!

Randy Patrick
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. " ~ Edward Everett Hale
User 482858 Photo

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70 posts

Hi all,

I should like to add a suggestion to Dennis' and Randy's suggestions for Find and Replace:

When you use this feature for a whole folder (and subfolders) you can only Replace All.

You ought to be able to Find Next and Replace as required for each find you find.

This is a very useful feature, when you try to translate shops done in nice software like Shopping Cart Creator Pro that I have to resort to Dreamweaver to utilize.
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User 187934 Photo

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20,226 posts

I wish you could record or create macros for coding just like Excel.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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