I have 2 sites I built using the original HTML Editor but as part of an organizing committee for a local event I just created an event site using the new HTML Editor. I found it very easy to use. There is a lot I would still like to do with this site but for now it is functional and gets the basic information out there.
I would welcome any feedback and suggestions for improving this site. I am retired from being a self taught programmer and now own an antique & collectibles mall. I love photography and still like playing around with programming.
Like the site, yet I would like to make a suggestion.
On your home page, you have a logo and a picture of a old horse drawn tiller. The picture is cutting off the words JUST a little bit... I would suggest moving it down just a hair or 3.
Other wise nicely done.

https://lbwebsitedesign.com - Responsive Web Design & Web Hosting Services.
http://helpsite.sirage.com - HTML5, CSS3 and CC Help Video Blog.