Quick help with the html editor... -...

User 616721 Photo

6 posts

Hello, A Problem that I have been having recently with the html editor is when I go and preview my page. First I go preview with IE(Internet Explorer) then everything seems fine. After I go preview with mozilla firefox and all the images and my template is all over the place. Pictures are on top of my info on the site and everything is completely wrong. If someone could help with this problem I would deeply appreciate it.
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


A link to the site would be helpful.

What version of IE are you using?

What version of Firefox?

As a guess, have you used absolute or relative positioning in your code? IE and Firefox display things differently since IE may not render the padding and margins properly.
User 616721 Photo

6 posts

To be honest I have no idea what absolute or relative positioning is. It does sound like it could resolve the problem.

Also im using IE 7 and Firefox 3.0.7
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


Without a look at the code, I can only guess, and positioning is what I suspect.

Provide a link, and someone may be able to see the problem in the code.
User 616721 Photo

6 posts

Well, I can indeed provide the html code that I used. The thing is im using a template. Im going to upload the files for my website. Please keep this info confidential. I need approval before publishing that's why im a little concerned.
Here is the file. Try opening it with both browsers and you will know what I mean. Also open the index file to view the site. Make sure to open the site with both web browsers and you will understand my problem. Also if you can see the images on my site im sure you will see the image boxes were the images are suppose to be.

Thank you very much BillR!! :)
User 355448 Photo

3,144 posts


I just downloaded the zip file. Hopefully someone else will have a chance to look at it. It is my bedtime, and I will be at work and in class from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. tomorrow, so it will be Tuesday before I get a chance to look at the site.
User 616721 Photo

6 posts

Please take your time. Im not in a rush to resolve this problem. I really appreciate your time an effort into helping people such as myself. Have a great sleep and get back to me when you can :)
User 37670 Photo

Registered User
2,138 posts


I see where there is a potential conflict in how you are positioning your content on your page. First, what program are you usign to build this web page?
If you are using the CoffeeCup HTML designer, are you using it in Visual mode? Have you been switching back and forth from the Visual tab to the Code Editor tab? I ask because of the way the images and the video have been positioned.
Your code is already using a "Table" layout to position elements on your page. It is ALSO using "absolute positioning" to position things on your page, and the 2 of them don't always ge along in all browsers.
Example code from your page:
<object style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 393px; WIDTH: 480px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 282px; HEIGHT: 298px; ">
That is at the start of your flash code. That flash is already in a cell of a table. Try removing all the "style" section, so that part of the code only reads <object>. Then you can use code for alignment to help align that element top, left, center, right or bottom in that table cell and it should render the same in both browsers.
You also have this same issue with your images that are not lining up. It's tricky to use a table, style sheet and absolute positioning all on one html file.
The "absolute positioning" is the part that is telling an image to be xxx pixels from the top and xxx pixels from the left of the page.
E-Learning Specialist
www.mainsites.ca is my website, and yes, some of it is crappy.

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