Older Versions of CoffeeCup HTML Editor

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Over the years we have actually mis-placed the older versions of our programs. Version archiving was jut not something we considered.

We are wondering if anyone of you may have a copy of the original editor around (came out around 1996)

If you do, drop me an e-mail at scott@coffeecup.com and you will get a free t-shirt ;)

Scott Swedorski
VP of Software Development
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User 8660 Photo

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I might have one, will take a look tonight when I get home. If the disks still any good your in luck, but for some reason CD's don't seam to last very long, just had to throw some away the other day.
User 2246502 Photo

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3 posts

Hi Scott,

Were you able to find any old verisons of the program?

I did a search myself on Google, and after using various search-terms, I finally found an old version I remember having a play with back in about 2000.

The program I downloaded is called, "CoffeeCup Free HTML 6.0". It's the one that wizard-driven, and it's got an icon of a red rocket at the bottom-right that says "Send to web".

I'm not sure whether it's Express version 4, or version 6.

The program itself says "CoffeeCup Free HTML 6.0", but inside an '.ini' file where the program is installed on my hard-drive, it says, "CoffeeCup HTML Express 4 (c) 1999"

Anyway, because of what it says on the program, I have to assume it's version 6.

It's the free version and has a screen and there's a 5 or 6 second delay that counts down from '5' before it lets you start the program.

Please let me know if you've got it, or if you want it. I think the program you were after is an even older one?

Also, I'd be interested what other past programs of HTML Express you have there, if any, as I"m testing programs in Virtual PC 2007.

User 2246502 Photo

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PS from my last post:

Here's a sreenshot of the old editor I referred to in my last post:


To see a larger version go here:

User 156624 Photo

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Yeah I wish ALL Software we've purchased through the years would stay on our accounts!!! I've been a long time customer of CC since like the 90's and each time I have computer issues something happens to all my software I've bought from you. I log in to retrieve good copies and they are ALL gone except for like 3!!! :rolleyes:

I only trusted CC and Ashampoo!!! I've also been a customer of theirs about as long as CC!!! And, it's so sad that I cannot get my vintage software back, as I still used it to this day, but now I cannot and I am very heartbroken.....:(:(

I also have 2 CDS which came with some of my purchases on them and they will not open, says the cds are blank??:o
Patricia Burnette
User 122279 Photo

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Even if you had all the old versions, it's not sure that they would open on a modern computer now, with Windows 11. The first HTML Editor appeared in 1996, and in those days we were running Win-95. Lots of things have happened both with Windows, the internet and with the HTML Editor since then.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

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Inger wrote:
Even if you had all the old versions, it's not sure that they would open on a modern computer now, with Windows 11. The first HTML Editor appeared in 1996, and in those days we were running Win-95. Lots of things have happened both with Windows, the internet and with the HTML Editor since then.

Maybe he still has an old computer running windows 95 :D:D

Scott posted this in 2005


Over the years we have actually mis-placed the older versions of our programs. Version archiving was jut not something we considered.

We are wondering if anyone of you may have a copy of the original editor around (came out around 1996)

If you do, drop me an e-mail at scott@coffeecup.com and you will get a free t-shirt ;)

Scott Swedorski
VP of Software Development

Of course Scott is no longer with CC but perhaps that answers lordsbaby2007 a regular poser (2 posts in 13 years) :P
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