Messages in display in Code...

User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

Hi again, Tony,

I did not use any font settings, I just accepted the app's default styles. I have made a wee change to the document, to show how you can style the fonts/text of something.

Regarding the   I fumbled a bit before I thought of using the inline-block for display, so I used one of them after the text on the labels because I wanted to have a bit of distance after the word. I might just as well have deleted them. I reacted to your use of   because you had so many of them.

The title tag should be used. What is written there will show up on the top tab in the browsers. You can see on this forum page that the title is what you set as the header of your question about CSS. If the title tag is empty, it will probably show something like 'untitled' or so. Not much info conveyed with that.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

User 3121808 Photo

Registered User
9 posts

Hi Inger,

I decided at present to go for the File Tony.Zip leaving for a future development. Tony.html has been backed up my me for future use etc. Through the Editor I saved another copy as tonytm1.html . I placed this on our Museum Website on the 19th October.

The Form is accessed through the Visit Us or Contact on the top Navigation Bar.

In addition to my Desktop PC at home, I purchased a new Lenovo Ideapad 3 Laptop with Win 11 Installed 3 weeks ago. I have CoffeeCup HTML Editor installed on this, recently it was invaluable at the museum when I had to edit the Formsubmit Code line to our Website.

Once again, many thanks for your invaluable assistance.



A M Stephens (Electronically Signed)

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