Library items are not updating - Post...

User 3139195 Photo

1 post

Having library items is a MUST for me. It is the reason I upgraded to the full version. But when I change one and click on Update throughout the Project -- nothing updates. I am using the latest edition of Coffeecup HTML Editor.

Does it matter if there are spaces in the title?
Does the project HAVE to reside on my C drive (I'm using Windows 11)? My files are on my Google Drive.

And yes, I know library not updating has been posted on this forum but that was first posted in 2018. I'm pretty sure the error is the "project" but have been unable to figure out what is wrong.

Thank you. ~ LPeach
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,581 posts

If I understand you correctly, you 'change one'. Does it mean you edit the library element directly on one of the pages? If so, that is not the correct way to do it. You need to open the actual library file and make the change there. Then save and update it.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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