Graphics Collection -...

User 515937 Photo

Registered User
15 posts

How do I access or download the graphics collection mentioned as, "...available as a complimentary free download for all our loyal registered HTML Editor users..."

Looking around, I haven't seen anything except some graphics packages available for purchase. I know I am going to feel so dumb...
User 515937 Photo

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Shamelessly bumping my own post. Anybody?
User 463058 Photo

1,075 posts

Ernie Middleton wrote:
"...available as a complimentary free download for all our loyal registered HTML Editor users..."

Where is this quote located?
User 515937 Photo

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15 posts

Cary wrote:
Ernie Middleton wrote:
"...available as a complimentary free download for all our loyal registered HTML Editor users..."

Where is this quote located? > Our Software > The HTML Editor 2008 > near bottom of page - Comes with a BIG bag of snazzy graphics > All New Graphics Collections >

"Just look at them, and you will be amazed. These are available as a complimentary free download for all our loyal registered HTML Editor users, just because we love you!"

Clicking on the link produces a number of graphics packs for purchase. I don't have need right now, I just wondered what the deal is?
User 463058 Photo

1,075 posts

Okay, I'm not sure what's up with that. When I purchased the HTML Editor and went to my purchase/download history area, was also available for download, and it's no longer listed there.

You might want to take this up with Coffeecup support if you've purchased the HTML Editor.
User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

In my CoffeeCup folder (in Program Files) there's a folder called graphics. I think it installed as part of HTML Editor. There is a metric boatload of graphics in there, including 23 folders of just background tiles sorted by color scheme. Might poke around and see whether you already have a bunch of that stuff as part of your install.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 463058 Photo

1,075 posts

Spinny wrote:
In my CoffeeCup folder (in Program Files) there's a folder called graphics. I think it installed as part of HTML Editor.

Yes, I really like the collection of backgrounds.

Spinny wrote:
Might poke around and see whether you already have a bunch of that stuff as part of your install.

The contents of this particular graphic pack aren't there. They're like the graphics on this page:

User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

Okay. I see similarities, too, though. The included stuff has a ton of icons and buttons that seem comparable, if not exactly the same. I can't speak to exactly what was in the missing downloads, alas; before my time.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 463058 Photo

1,075 posts

The images were the same ones offered there, but perhaps a smaller quantity.
User 470401 Photo

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2 posts

This was in a text file in my HTML Graphics Pack:

Installing Your HTML Editor 2008 Graphics Pack

The additional graphics pack for HTML Editor is a library of additional images that you can use on your Website in HTML Editor (or in many of our other applications). To install the graphics pack, you'll need to know the e-mail address and password that you used to purchase HTML Editor. Once you have that, read below to install the graphics pack.

Downloading the Graphics Pack:
1. Go to

2. Log in with the e-mail address and password that you used to purchase HTML Editor.

3. Click the "Download Upgrades or Recover Your Software" link.

4. You will see the HTML Editor 2008 Graphics Pack listed. Click the "Download Graphics Pack" link, and save it somewhere on your computer where you can easily find it. The Desktop is usually a good place for this.

5. Once the graphics pack is fully downloaded, you can double-click on it (it will be a zip file) to view its contents, which will be a single folder named "HTMLEditor-Graphics-Pack."

6. Click and drag the HTMLEditor-Graphics-Pack folder out of the zip file window. You can place this folder anywhere you like on your computer. Just make sure it's a location you can remember!

7. You can now browse through the images in the HTMLEditor-Graphics-Pack folder to see all of the subfolders and images in the pack.

Add the images to your Websites to your heart's content! With so many different, cutting-edge images in the pack, you're sure to find what you need.


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