Cannot Install new version :( - Post...

User 3004957 Photo

Registered User
852 posts

I agree with Scott 100%, though in the real world people do have local email and do download and install programmes to try.

I use a single, small lightweight program called Winpatrol. That's because I (apparently) know what I am doing and don't torrent warez or visit porn sites or open strange emails. Winpatrol (yes, they have a free version - no ads or crapola) monitors in real time certain vulnerable system areas and simply notifies me of any changes made (hidden files, run section changes etc.). It does not remove anything arbitrarily or lock anything down or use huge amounts of resources etc. They have a huge online database of applications and process that (with the paid for version) you can search and check stuff running on your machine is safe or not. In other words, it is fantastic. I have no affiliation with them, I am just a very satisfied user (and have been for many years).

The only other anitspyware program I like and trust enough to recommend to my client base of over two thousand people is SuperAntiSpyware; while it sounds naff it is very good and has superb features for easily repairing malware damage. The free version is slightly feature limited but not enough to make it useless (like most who just want the money). It is dirt cheap (as is Winpatrol) and between them you couldn't do better.

At the end of the day the responsibility is the user's. All these programs are ambulances at the bottom of the cliff. They will always be behind the eight-ball. This is the last cliché I will use in this post. Seriously, I have never had a virus and this is because I am sensible and cautious, which all users should be. In my experience it doesn't matter how much money you spend on the latest AntiVirus fad software, the weakest link in the chain is us and the bad guys know it. They can sucker us into giving them money for jam, giving out our passwords and divulging all manner of personal information because people are naive and (sorry to say it) sometimes downright stupid. These days you can't trust anyone online and this is just the sad situation we have to live with.

Anyway, enough ranting, try that software. It may or may not suit you but for me it works a treat and that's all I can say.

User 2964293 Photo

Registered User
1 post

I am running Windows 11.
I do not have access to turn off the firewall sufficiently to install my upgrade.
I've tried your examples on turning off device control and I don't have access even logged on with Administrator, to authorize my version of HTML Editor to be updated.
Can you please advise? I have no other software that has this problem...Just FYI
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,572 posts

This sounds very strange. If this is a private machine, does anyone in your family have permission to turn off the firewall? Or if it's in an office, there must be someone who has those permissions. You could try Coffeecup support Click on your name top right of this page. But if it is a computer issue, I don't think the Coffeecup people can do much.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

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Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor:

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