Not even a Hicup

User 120663 Photo

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60 posts

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong in setting up my server or not but after I am done and click connect I get nothing. Not even an error message, direct FTP just sits there staring back at me.
I added the server's nickname,
Put the server name in as
Entered my user name then password (verified that it was correct.)
Checked remember password and the passive box.
Protocol is FTP.
Port is 21.
Connections is 1
Proxy is none.

When I click connect, nothing happens.

I am trying to connect to a web shell in case it makes a difference.

By The way: I have a very old version of WS_FTP Pro which I do not like using because it is so old and I am concerned about security and I just put in my server name, user name, and password, port 21 was already there and in 2 seconds I was at my site.

Any help you can give will be appreciated.

User 122279 Photo

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Not sure if this is correct, but since you are connecting to a shell, is it SSH? You could try, in the settings for FTP, open More options and try one of the other protocols, e.g. the second one that uses SSH and port 22
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User 103173 Photo

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Steven, if you could open a support ticket for this, our techs will be glad to look into this for ya.
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User 120663 Photo

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Will Do,
User 120663 Photo

Registered User
60 posts

OK, Here is something strange.

I decided to try one more time before I submitted the support ticket and noted that the server was not listed, almost as if I had never tried to set it up.

I set up the server again, hit connect and all was well with the world! Closes it out two more time and the server was there and connected in no time.

Whatever happened it's seems ok now and now to continue to learn some of these great features. Thanks for being there.


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