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User 103173 Photo

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Guy Regimbal wrote:

I have a note on a website which says that if you cannot see these pictures or forms, blame Apple and complain to them. Af enough Apple users complained and stopped buying overpriced Apple product, first the prices would drop and then Apple would implement Flash.


That wouldn't really help any more Guy. Adobe has officially dropped all mobile Flash development last year. This isn't just for Apple, but almost all smart phones have no Flash support. Apple was just the first to say no from the start.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 187934 Photo

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If anything it's made developers think and develop sound apps.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Or you can download the Puffin web browser on our mobile devices (small price to pay to keep flash all the time) and have flash capabilities on your Apple products. :P

Other than that, I wouldn't recommend using Flash objects on your websites anymore either. Even though there is at least 1 browser that allows it, not everyone will know it's there available, not everyone will want to pay for an app, and not everyone cares if they see your stuff.

The deal here is, if someone comes to your site, especially if it's an ecommerce site, you should NOT put things like that on it to disuade them, it's your job to make sure they all see things as they should be, not expect them to complain about it to make it work. Most likely it will just cost you a sale because they are turned off as they can't see the entire site as it should be. If this is just your personal site then yeah you can do that, but once again random visitors will most likely call you an amateur who doesn't know how to make things work right... Just some food for thought there. :P
User 491904 Photo

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51 posts


All true, even the part about amateur which describes me to "T". The organization I do the website for does not have to meany members who would offer to maintain a web presence for free. I do not have a web store, so I'm not pushing the learning envelope to fast.

I have almost all of the CC programs, but use just a few of them at this time. One of them is the Photo Gallery. I like it as I like most CC programs, but the learning curve is slow, not because of the programs, but because of the person using the program (me). The first program I used was Form Builder which was flash at the time. Worked wonderfully. I was not able to reproduce it's usefulness (for me) with the new Form Builder. Now, the Flash based Photo Gallery is becoming difficult to maintain unless I move everything to S-Drive (which I use to practice at this time.)

I guess I'll have to move on, and forget about the old way of posting (literally putting posters on posts.)

I still do not favour Apple.

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Give the software a try as you go along Guy, I know the new Form Builder is especially difficult for some people that have absolutely no knowledge of how things are setup, but... trust me when I say that playing around with it a bit is extremely helpful and it's pretty intuitive.

One of the main things about the program is positioning, and if you can master how that works, you have most of it beaten. The great thing about that is that you can see real time what happens when you change a setting by just altering the numbers, then click inside the preview area to make sure the change has taken effect. It's almost foolproof and can save you hours later if you take a little time to get used to it.

The next hard part is altering the reply and response messages, that we had to do ourselves in the old version too, but it wasn't quite so hard as this one having to do the HTML. Many here will help with that if you ask though *hint hint* :P

I haven't looked at the S-Drive Photo Gallery setup yet, I know shame on me lol. But I've heard good things about it, and it may be the way to go for you if you don't want to learn how to do other things. There are other softwares out there that are much more handy if you're dealing with your own server and don't want the S-Drive tie in, but either way it's all doable things, and some out there are as easy as the Photo Gallery is to use. Just depends on what you're after. We're all hoping that CC will do a great JQuery Gallery some day!

Basically just do what you need to, take a little time and explore the new softwares, they are truly powerful and everyone here is pretty helpful with it if you get stuck so there's no need to sit and frustrate yourself over something, just ask :) Good luck!
User 273266 Photo

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9 posts

Hmmm, I guess I will linstall the new form builder on another computer so I can play with it more.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Sounds like a plan Doug, and holler at us if you get stuck :)

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