VSD 5.9.1 and Firefox - Post ID 5877

User 430879 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

my understanding from other posts is that VSD 5.9.1 now workd with firefox....

My problem, I designed a site with 5.8.? upgraded to 5.9.1 edited and saved my site, then published it from 5.9.1 (did not publish it from previous version so no files existed at my host server) I am told that the site looks garbled in Firefox.. I don't have firefox installed so i can't see for myself...

The site URL is www.caryseniornet.org But is hosted at http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/n/snrnet/ any help would be appreciated...
User 430879 Photo

Registered User
6 posts

OK, I have found the root of my problem, it appears its oly the HTML Inserts in my pages that are bad, in Firefox, it seems that firefox is much more critical of HTML Syntax than IE, anyway I think I have fixed it , So all be carefull of embedded HTML on your VSD sites it may look good in the built in browser and in I.E>. but it could be completely screwed in firefox
User 2130925 Photo

Registered User
261 posts

I am confused. Wasn't this fixed in the current VSD?
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Thats not an issue with VSD, that was an issue with the HTML. You can insert anything in the HTML box, we don't validate or modify that. So if you insert invalid code or just something goofy, that will always be an issue.
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