using menu builder and setting page...

User 506998 Photo

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164 posts

Got it ! OK... well it took a lot of tweaking, but I've got it to work. Menu Builder menu and 2 PHP includes of VSD per page. Only the content will swap out new with each menu page load. It's the standard top-down, banner/menu/content setup. I ran into fits with the PHP included VSD body styles (kept the .html extensions) conflicting with the parent PHP page body & div styles, but I found a workaround. I'll have to post this technique in case a non-coder like myself is interested.
What it allows is: A non techie can use VSD to edit the content for various pages without any possibility of screwing up the menu or the banner. They can edit the common banner with VSD if need be, again without getting near any of the "sensitive" code. Note: I did discover a VSD bug when applying dropshadow to text that overlaps an image. The image is corrupted a tad right at the overlap point and at its container extents. BUT - I can get rid of it by applying a bit of glow on the same text. You can see the effect at the site: … y_website/
Nevermind the content and the colors... the menu is close to final though. One more thing: What is that bluish line at the bottom of the main menu buttons in hover mode?
User 187934 Photo

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Your page setup will make it impossible to get things correct as you have an html page inside an html page and yet another stacked on top it seems. You should look at using an iframe for that type of inclusion. … mp;group=0
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 506998 Photo

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Thanks for checking it out... No.. actually it's pretty darn clean. The index.php file is just a container with 3 include divs inside a div wrapper all positioned with css. It's pretty simple and it seems to work fine. The VSD and Menu Builder content are the correct size to fit in the divs so everything is stacked perfectly. Are you anticipating some glitches, because, although I did run into that one css collision with the VSD lower content, all I have to do is match the div container style color with that particular VSD assigned BG color and all is well. From what I know :/, iFrames still cause more problems than PHP. Also, all the tech advice I've seen says it's OK to include .htm files into a .php document. BTW - I changed the files to PHP and still had the styles overlap glitch. So what about that VSD text shadow glitch? :D

I do need to test in a bunch of browsers - so far Firefox and Explorer are fine.
User 187934 Photo

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Including an html page into a php page doesn't mean you can include one after another. You can however use includes to place sections of an html page into your php page so that when your page is done loading you have a complete and valid page with the proper markup.
I have reservations about helping make that blue line go away until you have you page setup correct. With your markup we could be chasing problems constantly only because your not following basic standard protocol. You get those includes setup correctly and I will gladly help with the blue line.:)
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 506998 Photo

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I really do appreciate any and all feedback you give me. But that link says nothing about using PHP to include only the body of a page or sections of a page, it is just showing how to use tables and includes. I think that would give me the same situation.
I did find code to load only the body here: … n-php.html
but I'm uncertain what the custom variables are - the author left that vague to non-programmers. It would be nice if I could just load the body and use the container css, but so far it does seem to work.
BTW - the blue underline thing shows up in Menu Builder preview... it's not related to my coding. :D
Unfortunately, one of my hurdles with VSD is that it is Win only and I've got a couple of clients I'd love to train on it so they could update a few pages, but they don't even want to run Win on their Mac.... :/
User 187934 Photo

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I never said it was your coding making the blue line.;) But there's some code on your page causing it. My thinking was if you got your page setup correct that part may be removed. There's no way for me to tell what the php is actually loading to your page besides what you tell me. That's the security of php as it's a server side execution so users can't see the code.
You can use
<?php include('mycustomcode.php');?>

Then on the mycustomcode.php you could have
echo'<img src="myimage.jpg" width="600" height="400" alt="cool image" title="Cool Image" />';
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 506998 Photo

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I got rid of the blue line. It was a "button bar image" setup in Menu builder for the hover state. I guess that image is in there by default, because I sure didn't load any images into Menu Builder. Easy to lose it. Great app, BTW.
Back to my experiment: there's very little there, so I could insert or zip the index file if you want to take a look. I really think the problem -and like I say, it is working- is the header code in the VSD files. It can't be eliminated from within the program, unless there is some header code I could insert using VSD header code option that would "silence" the default code. And then the other alternative is to php include only the body, and the link I sent you was all I've learned about that.........
User 187934 Photo

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20,200 posts

Take a look at the site in my signature. It's a VSD site and it's on S-Drive. If you look at the front page there's an ONLINE indicator half way down the page. That's being generated from a php script. Custom php scripts aren't allowed on S-Drive so I'm using an iframe to load the script from another one of my sites. The form builder uses iframes to make it easier for users to add forms to their site.
I still see a blue line at the bottom of all your nav boxes on hover.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 506998 Photo

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164 posts

Gone now. My bad. :rolleyes: I ftp'ed the wrong menu version. Got rid of the dotted outline on linked object as well.
OK I'll look. Though won't I have the same problem with iFrames because they will still load the entire VSD document including the header - unless I edit that - which defeats my purpose? Then again, even if it looks bad on paper for me to have that extra code within each div, it's not causing me any real problems that I see. But obviously I don't want to base an entire site on this scheme only to have it fail on a particular browser...

What about that VSD text glitch that I show on the page? That's there in VSD preview as well - it has nothing to do with my funky php including.
User 506998 Photo

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164 posts

Not to beat a dead horse... but I did inspect that iframe code on your site... it is loading the header as well. So see, any problem... if it really is a problem :cool: with my scenario has to do with the fact that one cannot clear all the page style settings from the header in VSD. There will always be a default, and that get's loaded and has a bit of interference with the containing php page style. Of course I could edit it in post, but I want my clients to purchase VSD and then I'll teach them the basics so they can update some pages without ever having to know what code is.

BTW....I'll be going back to your site to check out some of those goodies.... except for the Flash.... :D

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