We want your ideas, suggestions, and comments about CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer. So tell us: How can we make the software even better? Remember, our products are here for you guys, so we want to make them the very best we can

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Naming of objects
The possibility to use own names for objects would be nice.
----------------------Postings combined by monitor.
The possibility to use own names for objects would be nice.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
May I ask what would you use that for or how exactly would you like to see such a thing implemented?
May I ask what would you use that for or how exactly would you like to see such a thing implemented?
Phil wrote:
I think (not being a VSD user myself) that they are asking for the ability to name photo's rather than VSD naming them some kind of codename... I've seen alot of discussion about this over the last few months on the forum.
I think (not being a VSD user myself) that they are asking for the ability to name photo's rather than VSD naming them some kind of codename... I've seen alot of discussion about this over the last few months on the forum.
Michael wrote:
When looking into the source of a webpage I see references like div.Object0.
Instead of this naming convention the VSD user should be able to use their own names. Like variables in a programming language.
For example div.Object0 would be div.Title.
When looking into the source of a webpage I see references like div.Object0.
Instead of this naming convention the VSD user should be able to use their own names. Like variables in a programming language.
For example div.Object0 would be div.Title.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
Ah, ok. That makes a little more sense now
I will discuss your suggestions with our programmers.
Ah, ok. That makes a little more sense now

----------------------Postings combined by monitor.
Hi Scott,
If you would read my observations in this thread you'll see my suggestions for making VSD more search engine friendly:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/visual- … -with-vsd/
Also the wording of the menu "Standard settings for new pages" doesn't make any sense. It tells you that you can select a different link color for each page, but you definitively cannot. I have lots more suggestions, but those two are a good start :-)
If you would read my observations in this thread you'll see my suggestions for making VSD more search engine friendly:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/visual- … -with-vsd/
Also the wording of the menu "Standard settings for new pages" doesn't make any sense. It tells you that you can select a different link color for each page, but you definitively cannot. I have lots more suggestions, but those two are a good start :-)
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
Please make an alignment to page option like align left, align right, center! Trying to get things lined up to look right is a PITA! I usually go to view and then Insert Vertical Guide, and try to Center my objects on that.
Finally, please make it possible for us to align TEXT items to objects!
Finally, please make it possible for us to align TEXT items to objects!
Hello there, a few more items, as promised:
1-TEXT WRAP! Puleeeease! Since I can't wrap text I have to make multiple text boxes on a page in order to make them work with the images on the site. In addition to taking ten times as long as text wrap would, what I find is that there is virtually no way to make the text line up in all browsers. I can get it looking perfect on my computer, but when I open the site on another computer (especially on a mac) the text overlaps in various places, and even leaks out of the background I created for it in others. This is honestly, in my opinion, the BIGGEST problem with VSD right now. If I had to choose just ONE thing for you to add to VSD it would definitely be text wrap.
2-There is some sort of glitch in VSD that causes it to ENLARGE some jpegs when it re-samples them. VSD is supposed to be compressing images! Yet the background image on my site is more than doubled in size when VSD re-samples it. This is major problem as it dramatically increases the amount of time it takes the site to load. Honestly the best thing for you to do here is offer advanced users the option of just turning image re-sampling OFF. I optimize all my web graphics in Photoshop prior to adding them to my site and would really appreciate it if VSD would just leave them alone :-)
3-I'd like to see a zoom in and out feature. This would make it easier to select multiple files at the same time to move them around on the page. Right now I can "select all" elements on the page, but if I have just one section that needs to be moved to the left or right a few pixels I have to click on each of them individually, or only a few at a time because I am limited by the display on my computer.
4-VSD does not allow images to exceed 2000 pixels. This is a glitch that I discovered just last week.
5-Half size fonts. I was really hoping this one would have been in 6.0.
6-64 bit is the direction that technology is going, so please make a 64 bit version of VSD. I realize that VSD, for the most part, WORKS on 64-bit systems. But I'm talking about a 100% compatible, 64-bit version of the software that actually provides all the benefits of 64-bit.
7-This one isn't as big a deal as the other issues that I brought up, like text wrap, but some users might like the ability to upload one page at a time, rather than having to upload the entire site each and every time a change is made. The larger someones site is, the more important this becomes. I know that VSD only uploads HTML pages and files that have changed, so that helps, but if someone wanted to re-sync only a certain page of their web site, it would save a lot of time not to have to wait for the entire thing.
8-The ability to select different link colors on different pages. I found a work-around for this one, but would be better if the software just did it for you.
9-Dashes in URLS
10-VSD only imports true type fonts. Perhaps add compatibility for open type fonts.
So here's my VSD wish list! I'm certain I'll think of more later, but here's a good start :-)
1-TEXT WRAP! Puleeeease! Since I can't wrap text I have to make multiple text boxes on a page in order to make them work with the images on the site. In addition to taking ten times as long as text wrap would, what I find is that there is virtually no way to make the text line up in all browsers. I can get it looking perfect on my computer, but when I open the site on another computer (especially on a mac) the text overlaps in various places, and even leaks out of the background I created for it in others. This is honestly, in my opinion, the BIGGEST problem with VSD right now. If I had to choose just ONE thing for you to add to VSD it would definitely be text wrap.
2-There is some sort of glitch in VSD that causes it to ENLARGE some jpegs when it re-samples them. VSD is supposed to be compressing images! Yet the background image on my site is more than doubled in size when VSD re-samples it. This is major problem as it dramatically increases the amount of time it takes the site to load. Honestly the best thing for you to do here is offer advanced users the option of just turning image re-sampling OFF. I optimize all my web graphics in Photoshop prior to adding them to my site and would really appreciate it if VSD would just leave them alone :-)
3-I'd like to see a zoom in and out feature. This would make it easier to select multiple files at the same time to move them around on the page. Right now I can "select all" elements on the page, but if I have just one section that needs to be moved to the left or right a few pixels I have to click on each of them individually, or only a few at a time because I am limited by the display on my computer.
4-VSD does not allow images to exceed 2000 pixels. This is a glitch that I discovered just last week.
5-Half size fonts. I was really hoping this one would have been in 6.0.
6-64 bit is the direction that technology is going, so please make a 64 bit version of VSD. I realize that VSD, for the most part, WORKS on 64-bit systems. But I'm talking about a 100% compatible, 64-bit version of the software that actually provides all the benefits of 64-bit.
7-This one isn't as big a deal as the other issues that I brought up, like text wrap, but some users might like the ability to upload one page at a time, rather than having to upload the entire site each and every time a change is made. The larger someones site is, the more important this becomes. I know that VSD only uploads HTML pages and files that have changed, so that helps, but if someone wanted to re-sync only a certain page of their web site, it would save a lot of time not to have to wait for the entire thing.
8-The ability to select different link colors on different pages. I found a work-around for this one, but would be better if the software just did it for you.
9-Dashes in URLS
10-VSD only imports true type fonts. Perhaps add compatibility for open type fonts.
So here's my VSD wish list! I'm certain I'll think of more later, but here's a good start :-)
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
Just getting to grips with Visual Site Designer (trial version v6.0 build 6).
Here are a couple of suggestions.
1) A zoom tool would be great! Attempting to place images on page to one pixel accuracy is currently a bit of a nightmare.
2) The HTML code that is actually written out contains tables. This is not a bad thing, but It would be preferable to be able to produce tableless designs. This would mean that the design purely consists of html preferably XHTML for markup and CSS for presentation. Is this too much to ask?
3) Doctypes: Currently HTML 4.01 are supported. Would prefer means to select XHTML 1.0 Strict and/or Transitional or XHTML 1.1.
4) Support for mobile devices.
Great tool we shall to continue to use it.
Here are a couple of suggestions.
1) A zoom tool would be great! Attempting to place images on page to one pixel accuracy is currently a bit of a nightmare.
2) The HTML code that is actually written out contains tables. This is not a bad thing, but It would be preferable to be able to produce tableless designs. This would mean that the design purely consists of html preferably XHTML for markup and CSS for presentation. Is this too much to ask?
3) Doctypes: Currently HTML 4.01 are supported. Would prefer means to select XHTML 1.0 Strict and/or Transitional or XHTML 1.1.
4) Support for mobile devices.
Great tool we shall to continue to use it.
Paul Doree wrote:
2) The HTML code that is actually written out contains tables. This is not a bad thing, but It would be preferable to be able to produce tableless designs. This would mean that the design purely consists of html preferably XHTML for markup and CSS for presentation. Is this too much to ask?
3) Doctypes: Currently HTML 4.01 are supported. Would prefer means to select XHTML 1.0 Strict and/or Transitional or XHTML 1.1.
2) The HTML code that is actually written out contains tables. This is not a bad thing, but It would be preferable to be able to produce tableless designs. This would mean that the design purely consists of html preferably XHTML for markup and CSS for presentation. Is this too much to ask?
3) Doctypes: Currently HTML 4.01 are supported. Would prefer means to select XHTML 1.0 Strict and/or Transitional or XHTML 1.1.
This has been out for a while now...
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is looking to increase available resources for the development of HTML5 by discontinuing further development of XHTML
Living the dream, stocking the cream

Has anyone mentioned the need for a spell checker?
Oh Yes! Spell Checker and support for mobile devices are also on my wish list.
With more and more people that have blackberry's and iphones, mobile support is extremely important right now. As it is now, VSD sites fall absolutely to pieces on mobiles devices...
With more and more people that have blackberry's and iphones, mobile support is extremely important right now. As it is now, VSD sites fall absolutely to pieces on mobiles devices...
Chad Spillars
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
"Look I finally made myself a signature!"
Chad Spillars wrote:
Oh Yes! Spell Checker and support for mobile devices are also on my wish list.
With more and more people that have blackberry's and iphones, mobile support is extremely important right now. As it is now, VSD sites fall absolutely to pieces on mobiles devices...
Oh Yes! Spell Checker and support for mobile devices are also on my wish list.
With more and more people that have blackberry's and iphones, mobile support is extremely important right now. As it is now, VSD sites fall absolutely to pieces on mobiles devices...
I like to always use the old business method of outlining new features to add to a program. So you have three choices to choose from and you can only pick two:
1) Fast
2) Cheap
3) Support for all devices
Which two do you want?

Now a spell checker will defiantly be in the software soon. Support for mobile devices is a whole different story as the software was not designed for that. Please see my post over at http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/visual- … #post89350
Now that doesn't mean we won't figure something out sooner or later

Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
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