Is there a way to streamline/reuse...

User 459945 Photo

Registered User
1 post

Hi everyone, I'm new here. Sorry if this question has been posted before or if it's really obvious to others.

I got vsd a couple of weeks ago, really liking it. Getting pretty far with this page I'm building. Trouble I'm having is that load time of my site takes forever. I've tried to cut down my file size but it seems like image files aren't getting reused. what I mean is a header image I have on each page of my site - vsd seems to give it a different name on each page so it has to reload each time instead of calling up the same image. It does this with all the images. Is there a way to easily fix this?

Hope I made some kind of sense! Sorry not so good with all the terms, I'm pretty new to all this.

User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Well, you made perfect sense. Unfortunately, I think the only fix would be some reprogramming of VSD. I just copied & pasted 2 pics from my home page to a 2nd page and it uploaded a new IMG02 & IMG03.jpg, so it's not anything you've done (or can change, really). I'll add that to the wishlist for future upgrades.
User 132952 Photo

3,120 posts

Ok, of my pages just re-used an image while the previous one didn't. I'm not sure what VSD verifies to decide whether an image is re-used or duplicated w/ a new name.
User 436416 Photo

Registered User
87 posts

Adam R. wrote:
Ok, of my pages just re-used an image while the previous one didn't. I'm not sure what VSD verifies to decide whether an image is re-used or duplicated w/ a new name.

From what I've seen, if the image is used as a link, then its reused and the original name is retained. Otherwise, a new image is created for each page.

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