How to embed a Youtube video - Page 1...

User 1961283 Photo

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Can you please tell me how I can embed a Youtube video into Visual Site Designer. Thanks
User 282670 Photo

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just go to youtube where the video is, and usually on the right side it will show a url or embed code, copy the embed code and using the html editor paste in the page in VSD.

User 103173 Photo

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Candice Kerr wrote:
Can you please tell me how I can embed a Youtube video into Visual Site Designer. Thanks

Here are some step by step instructions that should help you out:

1. Click on the HTML Tool icon in the left side toolbar.

2. Click on your page where you would like the video to appear. An Insert HTML dialog box will appear.

3. Inside of this dialog box, paste in the HTML coded provided by YouTube and click Ok.

4. You will then see a small square object now on your page. You now need to re-size this box to the approximate size of the video you are adding. You do not need to be that accurate as this is only used for your visual reference inside of Visual Site Designer. When you visit your Website online, it will automatically re-size to the proper dimensions.
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User 2057821 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Candice Kerr wrote:
Can you please tell me how I can embed a Youtube video into Visual Site Designer. Thanks

Here are some step by step instructions that should help you out:

1. Click on the HTML Tool icon in the left side toolbar.

2. Click on your page where you would like the video to appear. An Insert HTML dialog box will appear.

3. Inside of this dialog box, paste in the HTML coded provided by YouTube and click Ok.

4. You will then see a small square object now on your page. You now need to re-size this box to the approximate size of the video you are adding. You do not need to be that accurate as this is only used for your visual reference inside of Visual Site Designer. When you visit your Website online, it will automatically re-size to the proper dimensions.

Hi I need some help here,

If I embed a YouTube vid into VSD, The ActiveX protection appears within Explorer( Vista, Explorer 8).

If I embed the same YouTube code in WordPress, the ActiveX protection does not appear.

How do I get the same WordPress result within VSD?

Kind Regards
User 463058 Photo

1,076 posts

Allan Minnaar wrote:
If I embed a YouTube vid into VSD, The ActiveX protection appears within Explorer( Vista, Explorer 8).

This is normal when you use VSD's preview or view the local code in IE. Once you put the page on the web and view it there the warning will no longer appear.
User 256207 Photo

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1 post

Have tried embedding youtube videos with windows 8 and will not do it. The object insertion process also does not work. Anyone have any ideas or encountered the same problems
User 187934 Photo

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20,200 posts

Are you saying the local preview doesn't work? Did you try publishing your site and see if it works on line?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

To see an embedded video in preview, I've found the code needs one little addition.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Where it has src="//www....Make that src="http://www....
Also... Have you tried previewing in different browsers?
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User 447397 Photo

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Hmmm…. I have been trying to replace a youtube video on my website (VSD) and the above instructions do not seem to be working for me. I deleted the old video but cannot get my new one to post. I added the src="http://www piece to the embedded code and still no video.
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,098 posts

Hi Barbara, do you have a link you can share. It will be most helpful for us to troubleshoot.
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Steve Kolish

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