FTP to iPage - Page 1 - Post ID 242668

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

Hi all, and thanks again for a good forum and all the good help in the past. Another question for you aces, and this involves iPage.

I have several domains registered at iPage. But everytime I try to upload a new one, something crashes. I just tried to upload a new web site, and it deleted all the files at iPage of another web site I have. So, instead of adding a new page, we crashed the one I had. I've wasted enough time on the phone with iWeb and they don't have a clue what to do.

What we did is this. In the "Publish" menu of CoffeeCup I typed in the nickname of the new web site so I would recognize it. In "Server" I typed in (as they told me to) ftp.ipage.com. I then typed in my user name and password, and both are correct. This sends it to the root directory they told me, and they erased all the files I had for another web site. So, all that has to be uploaded again.

Can someone here explain to me how this works? I have about 10 web sites I want to be managing from that one iPage account. I'd like it explained so I can also read it back to the tech guy at iPage if I have to call again.

This has been a problem in the past. I'm wondering now if I should have checked into CoffeCup about if I could just have the domain and site hosted by them. No one at iPage knows anything about CoffeeCup.

So what should the path be that I type into CoffeeCup FTP server that will go to the corresponding folder at iPage? Is this known to be a problem with other CoffeeCup users that also work with iPage? Should I just scrap and iPage accounts and take the loss and move them to CoffeeCup or someplace else?

Thanks in advance. I know that here I always get the right answers.

User 187934 Photo

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What kind of domains are you using under the main original domain? Are they addons or are they subdomains?
To publish to the correct location your main domain would be setup at the root which varies for servers but mine is
public_html. Then for other addon domains you add the folder to the end or it to control the location.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

They always tell me to type in my main account name. In there I have about 9 domains. When I navigate to their "Domain Central" I see a list of my domains. It just says My Domains. I don't know if they are addons or subdomains. I don't think they are addons. I've called them about this in the past, and it can be done successfully, but I don't remember anyone every saying anything about public_html.

All they tell me to do is type in ftp.ipage.com where CoffeeCup (under publish) says Server. I think it's sending my stuff from CoffeeCup to the root directory. No matter what I upload it always goes to my original web site. They don't know how to tell me to get it to the main directory in iPage, and then send it to the correct individual domain. I'm really surprised that they don't know how to guide me through this. None of them that I have talked with know anything about CoffeeCup. There should be a simple way to do this. If not, I need to see if I can get simpler file transfer through a CoffeeCup hosting account.

From what I've said here, do you have an idea of the step I'm leaving out? And how to send this to the iPage root directory and then to the proper domain name in the main directory?

Thanks again.

User 187934 Photo

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The "Remote Folder" is where you need to make the change with the folder.
What do you have entered in the "Remote Folder" now?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2172730 Photo

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We figured it out. This is what we had to do. For the readers here, this is working with CoffeeCup and iPage.

In CoffeeCup, Publish > FTP Account Settings
Server: ftp.ipage.com
Remote: /websitename/

Forward slash at front and end.
Also, don't worry if you do a SAVE then TEST CONNECTION and it says No File Found. It kept saying that and we kept trying different things. After an hour we discovered that the No File Found didn't affect it. When I ignored that, I uploaded it and it worked fine.
This is what worked for me. I hope it works for the rest of you also.
And thanks for your time and suggestions.

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

Well, we got to work on a couple of my new domains. When I tried the same thing it didn't work on the next two. I can't understand why this is so sporadic, and I can't see any difference in any thing I'm doing on the pages that work and get published, and the ones that don't.

Any suggestions?

User 2172730 Photo

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96 posts

Would it be better if I just get the FTP program through CoffeeCup? If I get it, when I click Publish at the top menu and to go to FTP Account Settings, will it show the new FTP software, or will I have to access it another way?
User 187934 Photo

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Don Sides wrote:
Well, we got to work on a couple of my new domains. When I tried the same thing it didn't work on the next two. I can't understand why this is so sporadic, and I can't see any difference in any thing I'm doing on the pages that work and get published, and the ones that don't.

Any suggestions?


When you say it didn't work, what do you mean by that? Can you tell us the error you receive?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2088758 Photo

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3,098 posts

Hi Don,

I am an authorized re-seller of iPage and have multiple accounts and domains with them. I have not ran into any ftp related issues with them. If you could be more specific as Eric mentioned we may be able to help you.
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Steve Kolish

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User 2172730 Photo

Registered User
96 posts

It always tries to direct my new sites to "MSCivilWar.com" That is one of my sites. It will direct the other sites there. Last night and this afternoon I got it to send to the right places sometimes, but later today it started sending everything to the MSCivilWar.com again. The people at iPage...all but one...don't have a clue what's going on. They've never heard of CoffeeCup, or at least they say they haven't, and can't visualize the FTP menu in CC.

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