Should I have gone with Foundation...

User 235071 Photo

Registered User
110 posts

Just bought BB, knew I wanted to go with "a product", and there seem lots of freebies around for Bootstrap, but am looking at the various tutorials -- all for FF and RSD -- should I have gone with FF instead?
Or are they all the same "in practice"? Or what are the significant differences in how they are used?
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,226 posts

Hi Russell,
Foundation and Boostrap are very similar in that they both make responsive grids. That being said each has their own approach on how to accomplish that and what built in features they have. They're both awesome and we have several users on this forum using one other the other and maybe even both. As far as freebies I don't think there's any advantage because you still have to setup your feature within your page. There's plenty of examples online on how to apply classes to your elements within your page using either library. If you run into issues all you have to do is ask here on the forum and I'm sure you'll get a response. Welcome to the responsive family.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 235071 Photo

Registered User
110 posts

thanks, Eric, not quite the detail I was looking for, don't know if you guys in the US use this expression but us Downunder, and the Brits apparently, say all one can do is "suck it and see" … 0and%20See
User 2624719 Photo

Registered User
275 posts

Hi Russell
You will not regret getting into coffeecup software as a company i have not found a better place to be when you are a newbie . as to Bootstrap it is a great platform to build website on and easily matches FF in my opinion . for support Eric is right you will get lots of help on this forum or any on coffeecup . i would also recommend you take a look at the tips pages as there is some great advise and short cuts there .

Regards Adrian

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