Just need help as I don't understand...

User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

I created page from image in Microsoft Pub and added html links
to open up spreadsheets.

When I save the page, the editor runs through it and screws it up.

Page is Neighborhood.htm. I have also attached directory/files for the page.
This directory/files are sub of the location of the htm page.

Can't attache all the files (4) + htm Need to attache 5 files

Do I have to edit this in notepad and save?

Well this makes it even better

Sorry, we couldn't start the thread for the following reasons:

Your attachment must be one of: .TXT, .SNP, .ZIP, .RSD, .RLM, .RLMP, .RED, .GIF, .JPG, or .PNG format.

Look at page in Test With Default Browser then save and do it again.
User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Our administrators have sent you a message:
http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/html-ed … en-saving/
How do you expect people to help if you don't upload the files.
Where is the message?
Anyway, I have 1 htm and 4 support files which the upload won't recognize.

User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

And more
User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

The above post: Neighborhood.txt is the .htm and filelist.txt is and xml file

Why the restrictions on file type and quantity?.

The xml and the three images go in subdirectory Neighborhoods_files
User 122279 Photo

Senior Advisor
14,470 posts

What is your actual problem? You create a site in Microsoft Publisher and save it in the CC HTML Editor??

If you want someone here to help you, please upload the site to a server and let us have the URL, so that we can see it live instead of attaching files here and we have to puzzle them together ourselves.

We are users, just like you, with no salary from CC and we do our best to help each other.

As far as I know Microsoft, you can create sites with their Office apps, but the code you get is monstrous. At least it was like that, don't know if they have imprøved it lately.
Ha en riktig god dag!
Inger, Norway

My work in progress:
Components for Site Designer and the HTML Editor: https://mock-up.coffeecup.com

User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Ugh. Forgot about zip.

Code where screw up occues

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<td width=395 height=29 style='vertical-align:top'><![endif]>
<div v:shape="_x0000_s1029" style='padding:2.88pt 2.88pt 2.88pt 2.88pt'
<p class=MsoNormal style='text-align:center;text-align:center'><span
lang=en-US style='font-size:16.0pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;
language:en-US'>     Click </span><a href="files/NeighborhoodAllAnalysis.pdf"><span
lang=en-US style='font-size:16.0pt;font-family:Arial;text-decoration:underline;
font-weight:bold;language:en-US'>Here</span></a><span lang=en-US
style='font-size:16.0pt;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;language:en-US'> To See All City Data</span></p>
<![if !vml]></td>
User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

MS Publisher is not a good choice for creating webpages or documents. Just one of many problems with it:

As Inger mentioned, it's notorious for producing really awful code. It might be OK in an old IE browser, but modern browsers will likely choke on it.
I tried validating the Neighborhood file (html) and it came up with more than 170 errors. :o
The Editor isn't screwing up the file – it's already an unreadable mess.

You could just use an image file (like your img298.png) of the Neighborhood map on a standard html page and use CC's Image Mapper to put the links in it. http://www.coffeecup.com/image-mapper/

Edit: Just saw the live link. That gets 258 errors on validation ( https://validator.w3.org/check?verbose= … rhoods.htm )

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Ok. Imagemapper and png
First it is an impossible pain to try and draw a circle around my little orange circles.
How do you copy and paste the circles?

The links below do not work. When I click them it judt pulls up the page again.

My other file opened the pdf as expected.

Seems a but overly complicated but will use and need help.


<title>CoffeeCup Image Mapper map file</title>
<meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup Image Mapper">

<!-- Created by CoffeeCup Image Mapper (www.coffeecup.com) -->

<!-- Beginning of Client Side Image Map -->
<img src="Neighborhoods.png" USEMAP="#neighborhoodMap" BORDER=0>
<map name="neighborhoodMap">
<area shape="rect" coords="570,1325,1092,1414" href="" alt="" title="">
<area shape="circle" coords="776,1237,10" href="files/Neighborhood10Analysis.pdf" alt="" title="">
<area name="AllLink" shape="rect" coords="290,665,537,713" href="files/NeighborhoodAllAnalysis.pdf" alt="" title="">
<!-- End of Client Side Image Map -->
User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

The circle and secon rectangle I uncderstand.

What is this one?

<area shape="rect" coords="570,1325,1092,1414" href="" alt="" title="">

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