Just need help as I don't understand...

User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

Can we see a page with the problem? It's a lot easier to help if we can see it also.

User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

This is screen shot showing all the active areas. Note in the area properties area 14 which does not show in the code but
in preview mode it opens linked file.
User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

I just resized the screen on image maker and it froze sucking up 88% cpu cycles.Had to shut down with task manger
When I opened up again all but three of my areas were gone.

This program does not appear ready for prime time..
User 187934 Photo

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Make sure your saving your map to the proper location and then uploading it.
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Image Maker is beyond 'prime time', it's been around for many years.:lol:

Did you look at the code from the site link above? This is how his map is closed; here's the last link area with a closing </map> tag. You're missing the closing tag as well as a closing </html>. I can't begin to guess where that other target (target="N.BMMAIN.SUBITEM_MNUDOCUMENT.ITEMLIÜ) is coming from.
<area shape="default" href="http://www.washingtondcevangelists.com/Network/Individual-Evangelists-Near-You.html" target="Page Default (None)">
<!-- End of Client Side Image Map -->

Could you try inserting the image map (make sure you copy all the code) into a proper web page that has a valid DOCTYPE. Also, tell us what operating system you're using.
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 2336860 Photo

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252 posts

Here is your neighborhoods.png image mapped out with Image Mapper. You will notice that I mapped the neighborhood areas to give the user a larger area to click on.
The area shapes could be cleaned up a bit so there are no overlaps, but I only spent 15 minutes on this. View the source and use it if you want.
Image Mapper has always done an excellent job for me.

So it has to be MSPub that is causing you these issues.

User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Hi all:

Thanks for efforts. I found a different on line mapper and used that. Took about 20 minutes and copied
on line code to my html page.


Best regards

User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Thanks, ChefScott!
The IM is easy to use and works just fine.

Robert – Sorry we couldn't get you on the right track, but it's really hard to figure anything out without seeing the actual live website with the code in place.;)
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams)
User 19850 Photo

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33 posts

The area shapes could be cleaned up a bit so there are no overlaps, but I only spent 15 minutes on this. View the source and use it if you want.
Image Mapper has always done an excellent job for me.

You have far more experience with it than I. I just became very frustrated. Don't think it is too use friendly.

What I have up now is similar to yours but your seems much simpler even though contains many more parameters.
I achanged the code to:

<div align="center"
<!-- Created by CoffeeCup Image Mapper (www.coffeecup.com) -->

<!-- Beginning of Client Side Image Map -->
<img style="width:900px; height:1000px;border:0;" src="Neighborhoods.png" USEMAP="#Residential Neighborhoods" BORDER=0>.

To reduce the size of the image and center it in the html.

Problem is that only Click,10,13,14,15,16and 32 are active. The rest are dead.

If I remove this style="width:900px; height:1000px;border:0;, they are all active again..
What could cause that effect?

Thanks and best regards
User 19850 Photo

Registered User
33 posts

Trying to resize screws up more than what I said: The areas that are active on click link to different files than shown below.
So I guess the coords are absolute and not relative. Is there any simple way to keep the relative positions of the
hot spots?


<img src="Neighborhoods.png" USEMAP="#Residential Neighborhoods" BORDER=0>
<map name="Residential Neighborhoods">
<area name="Edward Washington 22" shape="poly" coords="267,563,348,594,347,698,357,712,326,714,321,762,250,762,248,739,210,738,209,629,265,648,266,564" href="files/Neighborhood22Analysis.pdf" alt="Edward Washington 22" title="Edward Washington 22" OnMouseOver="window.status='Edward Washington 22'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Franklin Fourth 31" shape="poly" coords="399,701,398,722,375,721,374,759,361,759,363,910,322,910,323,854,221,854,218,740,246,744,247,764,324,763,328,712,356,716,353,699,400,699" href="files/Neighborhood31Analysis.pdf" alt="Franklin Fourth 31" title="Franklin Fourth 31" OnMouseOver="window.status='Franklin Fourth 31'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Wesley Fourth 12" shape="poly" coords="405,698,560,699,568,685,568,673,599,683,608,682,610,690,613,701,626,713,637,733,690,786,662,804,654,791,626,788,610,778,523,780,525,796,474,799,474,819,462,818,376,976,373,919,364,917,364,761,379,761,377,721,400,722,402,698" href="files/Neighborhood12Analysis.pdf" alt="Wesley Fourth 12" title="Wesley Fourth 12" OnMouseOver="window.status='Wesley Fourth 12'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="S Elm 7" shape="poly" coords="1044,568,1045,1106,982,1090,962,1052,925,1044,872,1051,832,1038,800,1015,767,946,766,927,701,831,703,802,602,685,1045,567" href="files/Neighborhood07Analysis.pdf" alt="S Elm 7" title="S Elm 7" OnMouseOver="window.status='S Elm 7'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Warwick Ct E High 11" shape="poly" coords="466,1039,463,965,458,964,458,864,442,863,464,818,476,823,477,801,526,798,529,781,610,780,626,793,649,792,661,808,690,789,700,804,699,831,763,933,762,947,793,1015,826,1036,467,1039" href="files/Neighborhood11Analysis.pdf" alt="Warwick Ct E High 11" title="Warwick Ct E High 11" OnMouseOver="window.status='Warwick Ct E High 11'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Prospect 10" shape="poly" coords="1044,1184,372,1193,370,1149,361,1149,363,1087,365,993,439,866,456,865,454,967,460,967,464,1043,825,1034,870,1052,923,1046,959,1053,977,1089,1044,1108,1042,1183" href="files/Neighborhood10Analysis.pdf" alt="Prospect 10" title="Prospect 10" OnMouseOver="window.status='Prospect 10'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="All City Data" shape="rect" coords="396,1194,1045,1370" href="files/NeighborhoodAllAnalysis.pdf" alt="See All City Data" title="See All City Data" OnMouseOver="window.status='See All City Data'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Lower Essex 15" shape="poly" coords="312,1201,315,1118,323,1121,323,1099,320,1093,320,1089,231,1089,231,1139,224,1140,208,1195,198,1212,211,1226,199,1246,211,1248,210,1256,231,1257,234,1212,314,1200" href="files/Neighborhood15Analysis.pdf" alt="Lower Essex 15" title="Lower Essex 15" OnMouseOver="window.status='Lower Essex 15'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Heyser 14" shape="poly" coords="392,1311,314,1312,284,1292,254,1286,235,1265,235,1214,282,1210,313,1210,369,1178,368,1195,393,1195,392,1311" href="files/Neighborhood14Analysis.pdf" alt="Heyser 14" title="Heyser 14" OnMouseOver="window.status='Heyser 14'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Grinnel Morrel 19" shape="poly" coords="179,753,139,751,136,772,148,773,148,780,172,780,169,805,188,806,188,819,199,819,199,858,169,859,169,866,137,866,139,907,219,905,217,749" href="files/Neighborhood19Analysis.pdf" alt="Grinnel Morrel 19" title="Grinnel Morrel 19" OnMouseOver="window.status='Grinnel Morrel 19'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Durand Franklin 20" shape="poly" coords="69,713,148,710,148,724,158,726,157,752,138,750,134,778,144,776,144,785,168,784,165,807,183,810,183,824,197,823,196,857,168,858,164,868,149,864,147,819,119,821,117,829,69,828,70,714" href="files/Neighborhood20Analysis.pdf" alt="Durand Franklin 20" title="Durand Franklin 20" OnMouseOver="window.status='Durand Franklin 20'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Webster Gettysburg 18" shape="poly" coords="152,1017,148,947,141,948,142,909,220,907,219,985,208,985,209,1027,152,1027" href="files/Neighborhood18Analysis.pdf" alt="Webster Gettysburg 18" title="Webster Gettysburg 18" OnMouseOver="window.status='Webster Gettysburg 18'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Elmwood & Douglas 13" shape="poly" coords="213,991,223,987,223,858,324,861,321,915,359,913,370,927,371,981,362,995,359,1154,367,1156,369,1173,320,1208,319,1126,329,1125,327,1085,217,1089,215,1030,212,991,222,991" href="files/Neighborhood13Analysis.pdf" alt="Elmwood & Douglas 13" title="Elmwood & Douglas 13" OnMouseOver="window.status='Elmwood & Douglas 13'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Higby Elmwood 17" shape="poly" coords="70,1025,68,831,119,830,122,821,145,818,145,863,134,862,137,950,145,950,147,1025,70,1027" href="files/Neighborhood17Analysis.pdf" alt="Higby Elmwood 17" title="Higby Elmwood 17" OnMouseOver="window.status='Higby Elmwood 17'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Upper Heights 16" shape="poly" coords="151,1257,149,1139,165,1127,230,1130,230,1139,222,1138,208,1192,196,1210,209,1229,199,1245,208,1253,212,1261,212,1264,187,1264,185,1259,153,1257" href="files/Neighborhood16Analysis.pdf" alt="Upper Heights 16" title="Upper Heights 16" OnMouseOver="window.status='Upper Heights 16'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">
<area name="Cascade 32" shape="poly" coords="311,1357,71,1356,69,1030,210,1030,210,1088,229,1090,228,1127,162,1124,146,1142,148,1259,183,1259,183,1267,211,1266,211,1258,229,1259,252,1291,281,1292,308,1313,309,1355" href="files/Neighborhood32Analysis.pdf" alt="Cascade 32" title="Cascade 32" OnMouseOver="window.status='Cascade 32'; return true" OnMouseOut="window.status=''; return true">

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