I am using HostGator - business account - the Web Access Manager (WAM) works fine - HostGator has the capability to do folder protection but WAM is more convenient - not only in the organization of information but also you can do group emails from the list with modifiable templates.
Product Suggestions:
I would like to see the following added:
1.0 Some means of generating dates - today's date and expiration dates for example without having to type in. Then these should also be included in the 'Insert Database Field' list so that they can be added to the email. For expiration dates it would also be nice to have a date alert when tripped. I set up some folders that are date sensitive and do not want to allow access after a set date.
2.0 Hot key to pop up email sending
3.0 Ability to add to 'Database Field' list and corresponding way to enter the field data in the user database.
These small additions would make the product even more useful. Sort of a CRM with added capability!
Thanks for a great product!
www.iqxp.com, net, biz, us