Scott Swedorski wrote:
[quote=Andy Taylor][quote=Phil]david -
We do monitor this area for suggestions, but I cannot always comment on each and every one of them. Some may make it in the software and others may not. The more people that ask for the same type of feature increases the likely hood that it will get added. If only one customer is asking for something, that reduces the chances of it being included.
This is exactly the point I am making. I have asked about something I would have been expecting to have been in any form editor.
Others may not realise how useful it is to have this function. This applies to many others things I dont use now possibly because I dont think it can be done etc.
If we had a thread that listed whats been asked for.
extended number entry. Under discussion.
phone number field. Next revision
universal date format Not enough interest.
WE could all see whats been requested and support it. or not as the case may be. But it could be a damn good function that no one has even thought of but we might like it if we knew it might exist.
For your eBay example, instead of using a Number element, use a Text Field element instead. This would give you the work around until we decide on what changes we want to make to the Number element.
I can use a work around in that example thats easy....cant see what we cant have unlimited figures....but thats CC choice.
But other suggestion I dont know what the thoughts are on that or if its been read and understood. etc etc
As to making a fuss. That just gets many people irked off. We prefer you act nicely in a public place.

Well first of all have you heard of the customer is always right.? I think people have been acting nicely. I dont think there was a digg and any one to be honest. I dont think beta testers were being maligned just the process did not seem to be wide spread.
Personally no beta tester would have been any use to get what I need incorporated as they might not even see the need. BUt thast not maligning beta testers its just saying they can only test what is in front of them.