Radio Button selection - Page 5 -...

User 491904 Photo

Registered User
51 posts

Jo Ann wrote:
Hiya Guy,

You asked me what the errors were about and I told you in my reply. I'm sorry if you thought I was off topic, but I don't think I was? Was just answering your questions about what the errors were about that I saw.

You were off topic. Focus on the the Web Form. As an advisor you should be able to stay on topic. I asked what the errors were in the web form and you commented on the website. I did not direct you to the website, but rather to the web form set up by another program.

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Wow, rude much Guy? I'll just get back to my vacation time instead of trying to bother helping you ok? Works for me. Happy Holidays.
User 629005 Photo

2,174 posts

I guess some people are able to dish out critique better than they can take it.
Living the dream, stocking the cream :D
User 491904 Photo

Registered User
51 posts

It would seem that the advisors may have been in the wrong discussion thread. The subject matter was the element known as radio buttons among a few other suggestions. I did not seek your advice, I was giving advice. Get rid of the preselection. Until then, I have no need of CC Web Form builder. I will continue to use Symfatic Form Maker which simulates the Classic idea of single radio buttons elemnt tied together by a function name which allows for preselection or not.

It is the end of the his thread for me. I'll check back when the form as been improved.

User 399197 Photo

Registered User
46 posts

I wasn't going to, but I just have to weigh in...again.

Guy, you seem to be quite focused and taking things pretty seriously—perhaps too much so. For the most part, the folks here on the forums are here because they believe in what the CC folks are doing. They believe in the CC marketing philosophy, and they like the fact that the CC folks actually listen to their user base.

My take is that a lot of the users are excited to be able to share their enthusiasm for creating informative websites. Some of us (myself included) are a bit more 'creatively challenged' than others. As I've mentioned before, being an engineer, I'm cursed with being really, really linear, and perhaps a bit too much of 'a straight line is the shortest distance between two points' person. However, I've found that curves are pretty interesting, too.

Importantly, one of the things I've been able to come to grips with over the years is that I'm not the only person that has good ideas. There are actually other people out there that have taught me some very good stuff.

Enough of that.

I'd like to THANK YOU for mentioning Simfatic Form Maker. I took the time to look them up, and based on what I found, I purchased SFM, not because I don't like CC's latest attempt—I do—but because SFM has managed to address the form validation issue in a very, VERY robust manner that I hope CC will eventually notice and emulate.

I agree that CC Web Form Builder (full) is not quite ready for prime time, but I do like their layout philosophy (even though it seems a little counter-intuitive), and the fact that they have now 'made the break' from Flash. For now, I see myself creating forms using CC Web Form Builder and then using Simfatic Form Maker to create all the validation rules. In fact, I am now in the process of porting over one of my Flash-based forms (created with CC Web Form Builder classic) that is in need of some robust validation. The form is near completion, and I'll be soon experimenting to make it compatible with my existing mySQL database.

Here's the 'take away'—I think you're right in being a bit frustrated. Nonetheless, I think you might perhaps consider at least two things: (1) being willing to listen to folks (many of whom are active on this forum) who have 'been there' and are happy and eager to share their experiences and observations, and (2) take the time to delve into HTML and the other related underpinnings. Having at least a basic knowledge of HTML, Javascript and PHP will go a long way toward de-mystifying things, and enable you to decipher other folks's very cool approaches. You strike me as being ready to go to the next level.
User 539803 Photo

Registered User
2,156 posts

One of these days, Scott will get Jo Ann's skillet pan, and add my head profile to it for repeating this thought, but what the heck

CC programs predominantly VSD is aimed at non technical folk like ME

I didnt need to learn any code, and now with S drive, you dont need ftp either

Webform builder similarly is aimed at SIMPLIFYING building forms for us non technical CC users

The emphasis is always on (cant remember that word)(Jo Ann use your senior advisor powers please ENTER WORD .............)

Senior advisors are granted that title by CC Jo Ann didn't ask for it, she does not work for or get paid by CC

My ambassador status, was bestowed upon me by Scott, it has a few benefits for me and does not suggest or imply any form of competence.

As for text colours etc. Guy is infact i believe correct its irrelevant in this thread, though i too had this fault on my site pointed out to me by TOM and at the end of the day, i want my customers to stay on my site, give me orders, pay my food bills etc so i went and changed them all :)

Happy New year one and all especially WYSIWYG ers & HTML editors as well :P

Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

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