Manual Publishing - Page 1 - Post ID...

User 2211545 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

Boy, it could not be easier to build a form than this. Love the ease of this program for building.

Publishing? I have no clue how to publish this on my website manually.

Where is that info. I see detailed info on publishing with CC's S drive, but I don't want to do that.
I hope to have many more forms filled out than 100 a month, and don't want to have to pay for that, which is why I want to use WFB, so I can publish it on my own site. :)

I see some text I'm supposed to put on my website, but I have no instructions as to where it is supposed to go. Normally, using VSD, I would choose the html option and copy and paste it into an html window.

That did not work.
I'm do not know where files are that I'm supposed to upload to my server?
I see an option for a csv file, but have no idea what I'm supposed to do with that?:cool:

I'm hoping you have these instructions somewhere.
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Hi Donna, after you create your form in WFB, select File/Export to Manual Server from the top menu. This will let you export the files needed for your form to your computer. It will also generate a 'code' block to put into your web site. Here's what you do ...

Create an HTML box in your web site, the same size as your form. Insert that block of code from WFB into the 'body' section of that HTML box. Save your site and publish it to the net.

Then use an FTP program such as CoffeeCups DirectFTP. There is a free version. Put in your server details and connect to your server. Then on the left side of the screen navigate to the folder where you saved your form files. You will see a directory something_exported. Inside that directory you will see a single .php file and another folder. Upload all of this, the file and folder, to the directory on the net where your web site is. Usually the root. Viola! Your form should come up when you visit your web site.

You could also add those form files to VSD so that they will upload with the site, but if you change anything in the form it becomes a major hassle to update. I find it's easier this way.

If you need any more help, just let us know. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2211545 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

Okay, so I created the form.
Saved As,
Clicked on File/Export/Manual.

There I got a window giving me html to insert.
I inserted that on page of site where I want the form to appear.
I clicked on preview and the page is blank.
Should I not expect it to be visible? My other html stuff is.

I see no php file in the folder the form is saved in.
When I click on export/manual I get the attached form that you see.

I do not understand the instructions here.
I click on open in explorer button and it just leads me to my documents . . . ???
Doesn't give any option for exporting it to my documents

I do not see a .php file anywhere
I'm still lost.
I am very familiar with VSD, having used it to build six websites for myself, and I am sure this is easy,
but I'm not understanding it.

I'm expecting to find files that represent this form, in my folder, just like all my vsd.html files,
which I could then upload to my site.
Do I just upload the .fb file?
Seems like I'm supposed to see this file in my folder:
psf\Home\Documents\ . . . \sprf_exported, but I don't
All I see is a .fb file.

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Okay, after typing everything below I looked at your jpg you uploaded and now remember you are on a mac. I think the problem is when your clicking to open the folder where the files are suppose to be, it's taking you somewhere else. I don't work on a mac and I'm not sure I can help you with this. Perhaps Scott can chime in here I a bit. Bottom line is that you need to find that _exported directory and your form files. Not just the saved file. Sorry I can't be more help. Hopefully someone else will jump in.


No. You will not see your form in VSD unless you add all the files and folders to the VSD site. Which you can do, it's just a process.

The .php file is not in the directory where you save your form. It is in the directory where you Exported your form. There should be a direstory ending in _exported where you exported your WFB form. Look in that directory to find the .php file and the folder with all the other files you need.

If you FTP that .php file and folder and all its contents to your server, then you will be able to see you form on line.

If you want to view your form with VSD here is what you do ...

Bring up VSD and open your web site.
Got to Edit/Add Files from the top menu.

You will now have to create the directory structure and add all the files contained within those directories where you exported your form. It's a process as there are a lot of files and folders. If you get them all added then you will be able to view your form in VSD. Then when you publish your form it will upload all the right files.

Either way you go, you first need to find that _exported directory where you exported your form.

Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,199 posts

Or make your form script src's and href's absolute.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2211545 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

You obviouisly think I'm smarter than I am. :D

I have no idea how to do what you said, Eric. Smile

I guess I will do a search for _exported and see where it is hiding and see if I can go from there.
Too tired today. Will try again tomorrow.

Thanks guys
have a good weekend.
User 2211545 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

The _exported files are just not showing up anywhere.
I think I'm going to go try the mac version and see if I can make that work.
Thanks again.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

donna crow wrote:
The _exported files are just not showing up anywhere.
I think I'm going to go try the mac version and see if I can make that work.
Thanks again.

The files are right where you saved and exported them to. Go to the File Menu > Export > Manual Server Setup and they will be generated again. Click the Open in Finder/Explorer button and it will take you right to where they are located.
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User 2211545 Photo

Registered User
63 posts

Hey Scott

Thanks for the help. I just posted a lengthy reply and it disappeared. That is good, because I just loaded up the site and Whoo hoo, it is there.

Yay. Basically, for anyone else having this issue:

I had to go to Parallels/Configure and options/sharing and applicatioins I had to uncheck the boxes that allowed Mac and Windows to communicate.

Then I created the form and saved it to a folder on my desktop. When I did that, then the _exported folder and files showed up.

I loaded those up, (along with the .php file in the same folder) to my site and the form showed up.
Though it did not show up in VSD preview.

So, when I went to parallels/configure and restored all the checks to the boxes that allow me to share mac with windows and vice versa, the folder didn't show up on my desktop. I was worried, but when I went to Administrator, it was listed under the Desktop for Administrator, so it is there. Yay. So I had success and will go for the real program, rather than the "lite." Now that I know I can make it work.

Thanks sooooo much for such a great Web Form Builder. It could not be an easier program to use, or publish, once you figure it out, and I love that I don't have to pay someone monthly for them to host my form. Really love the programs you provide. For us semi-tec grandmothers, it is very appreciated.

Thanks again
User 2616089 Photo

Registered User
30 posts

I'm trying to publish my Coffee Cup Web Form but continue to get this error message:

Your form is almost ready to go, but,

You've chose to send a confirmation email to the submitter, but didn't specify where to send or which template to use. Please select a template and an email field from your form to use as the recipient in the Confirm Email section of the settings menu. What are they requesting here???

When I click on "Confirm Email" I note the "To" drop down menu does not permit entering information. It remains blank
Subject: Thank you for your submission
Preview: Form submit confirmation

Now, when I click on "Notification" here is information I submit:

Subject: Somebody filled out your form!
Preview: Registration Form Submit Alert
What am I missing or doing wrong?? I have no idea.

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