Share Your CodePen Ideas - Page 2 -...

User 2906089 Photo

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224 posts

With all due respect,

Why did CC add code dependencies to a third party internet based app such as codepen when CC wants to control everything? Wayan's explanation that CC needs to control the entire code base to offer support and fixes to what their software creates still makes sense. An option to view and change your code in any editor of choice is more prudent. This should be integrated by now, but it will not happen because of CC's code control policy.

Brian, copying back into SD using the custom html element? The 40 col editor with no word-wrap or font size etc. options is so completely ridiculous and crippling to those with disabilities! I had enough of that the first time I saw the poor little thing!

Ending on a positive note, the view element and code is faster than previewing in a browser and using the built in html/css/js developer tools.

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