Responsive Site Designer Change Logs...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone! We have a hot fresh update for Responsive Site Designer v2.1 build 2128 and it is now available for download!

In this update:
  • Added over 20 new Foundation Components including buttons, cards and videos.
  • Implemented some back-end adjustments that recalibrate how styles are loaded for projects on start up.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements to make RFF even faster!

Be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And please don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Responsive Site Designer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone! We have a slick update for Responsive Site Designer v2.1 build 2140 and it is now available for download!

In this update:
  • Implemented some back-end adjustments that addresses Google fonts that have been renamed.
  • Added over 11 new Bootstrap Social Components.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements.

Be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And please don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Responsive Site Designer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Hey everyone!

We have an awesome update for Responsive Site Designer v2.2!

The fresh update adds the cool new object fit CSS property. This allows media to auto-fill its container without losing its aspect ratio. No more hacks to fix distorted or cut off images. Microsoft Edge just announced support, so we expect for this handy method for scaling and cropping images to be widely used soon.

Additionally, V2.2 displays your content, like text, sharper than ever. Plus it comes with a new design and rendering engine, making it run in ultra speed. With the extra power, you can move around within the app faster and design without skipping a beat. The new engine velocity also gives you the ability to build bigger projects with 125 pages!

As always, be sure to swing by your account to get this free upgrade. And don’t be shy to tell us how you feel about it on social media. We’d love to hear it!

If you have not tried out Responsive Site Designer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

Hey everyone! Responsive Site Designer v2.5 build 2291 upgrade is here! Here’s a taste of what it contains:
  • The Bootstrap framework has been updated to Bootstrap 3.3.7.
  • We increased the max-character count for links. Pop-in your super long links!
  • Foundation framework updated to the newest 6.4.1 - Awesome!
  • Support for 52 new fonts for Eastern European Languages (see list below).
  • Tweaked how fonts are previewed when using inline text editor.
  • Reconfigured components using nested containers so they stay in harmony when they are added to the canvas.
  • Missing components on previous installs? Not anymore! We stomped out that bug.
  • Other miscellaneous power boosts and enhancements.

Fonts, Fonts, Baby! Here are the new fonts added
  • AmaticaSC
  • Amiko
  • ArefRuqaa
  • ArimaMadurai
  • Assistant
  • Athiti
  • Atma
  • Bellefair
  • BioRhyme
  • BioRhymeExpanded
  • Bungee
  • BungeeHairline
  • BungeeInline
  • BungeeOutline
  • BungeeShade
  • Cairo
  • Chathura
  • Coiny
  • ElMessiri
  • FrankRuhlLibre
  • Harmattan
  • Heebo
  • Jomhuria
  • Katibeh
  • KumarOne
  • Lalezar
  • Lemonada
  • Mada
  • Maitree
  • MeeraInimai
  • Mirza
  • Mitr
  • Mogra
  • Padauk
  • Pattaya
  • Pavanam
  • Pridi
  • Prompt
  • ProzaLibre
  • Rakkas
  • Rasa
  • ReemKufi
  • ScopeOne
  • SecularOne
  • Shrikhand
  • SpaceMono
  • SuezOne
  • Taviraj
  • Trirong
  • YatraOne
  • Yrsa
  • ZillaSlab

This is a free upgrade for V2 customers. If you have not tried out Responsive Site Designer, you can download a free 21-Day trial at

Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Hey everybody, this is what we updated since build 2291. Have fun reading it — I tried to make it more fun at least :P

1. Sometimes the right side of the app would be empty…we figured out this was triggered by a panel switch with the Text Editor open. All better now.

2. For some reason Button Links did not accept styles on the inner text — but now they will ! (Just remember to give them a class so they can be reused within other buttons).

3. The caret of a Foundation Menu dropdown would always be blue instead of inheriting the font color. Fixed!

4. Being able to view the DOM structure and find a specific element fast is key — therefore you can now use the keyboard arrows to step through the Element Tree in the Inspector. Sweeeettttt
RSD was warning you when an element with ID would be moved inside a Symbol present on different pages —he should not have done that and we told him so.

5. Sometimes, very infrequently because it would only happen following very specific steps, the Multiple Background Controls could not be expanded. We got that fixed

6. Improvements in the sharpness of the app on Windows HiDPI. Nice

7. Updated caching of CSS value after reset — this makes the control values and selector color coding more robust

8. Multicolumn Layout column rule style displacement — an improvement to the UI of the Multi Column controls

9. Rows can now also be pasted when the Grid is selected — clearly it should always have been that way, and now it is!

10. Dropdown caret is transparent in button link with dropdown class — this was brought to our attention by the awesome Alter Eagle and Wayan Jaya right here … 09-update/

11. Social icons became 'squashed' when used in containers with a Foundation menu class — but not anymore, take that menu class

12. We fixed some irritating issues with Button Components — they are behaving again as of build 2330

13. Button link text could become uneditable — you had to work hard for that, but it could happen, all fixed now though!

14. We added the possibility to log Javascript errors — please only enable it when we ask you to!
The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
User 399746 Photo

Sales & Support Manager
417 posts

New build is here everyone for RSD V2.5.2349! I know you're excited for the details so here is what you’ll find in this latest release:

* A built-in favicon generator! Yup, forget about fumbling with third party tools. Just select your image (from your local resources or import online) and let RSD handle the rest!
* We tweaked the Twitter social component (seems it had an identity crisis with Facebook before)
* In the Page Settings pane we included the ability to set the language tag.
* Added CSS controls to use the Perspective Method allowing you to change the coordinates of X, Y and Z axis.
* Reconfigured the symbol indicator on the Inspector pane (no more disappearing act for him.)
* Sticky position controls are possible! Yippee!!

This update is free for V2 owners. While you’re picking it up, why not order our new Black Mirror theme? It’s on sale right now for just $19! :cool:
Learn the essentials with these tips on Site Designer. You'll be making epic, code-free responsive sites like a boss.
User 232214 Photo

827 posts

Hey everybody. The new Responsive Site Designer 2.5.2362 has been live for a few days now, the change logs are a bit delayed but you know what they say, better late than never. :P

Here is what we did:

The biggest change was related to the Picture element. Some of our clever customers found that images included in the srcset where not indexed by Google… Say whhaaatt!!? Yup, a good find and a strange occurrence, but we did our research and came out with an update that addresses the issue. Yay!

We battled a crazy occurrence where pages we not accessible when using names like ‘constructor’ or any other object.prototype inherited property. We were notified on twitter - follow us please and came out with a clean fix

Our Ella made a cool new navigation component for the Foundation framework. We made it available for free in the latest build. Since we are making many components available for you guys…if you create something cool please share and we will try to include it in the app (and give you credits !!)

A few improvements to our undo system and performance, namely:

- restore field values, but not updating the applied css under some very specific circumstances,
- undo/redo actions on different pages within Symbols could create unexpected results — we made the results as totally expected
- cleaning the stack between page switches for better performance

Some other tweaks and improvements, but that’s the gist of it. Have a great day and please keep letting us know what you think!
The future of web layout has arrived and it's called CSS Grid. CoffeeCup helps you to get ready with a free guide, the Grid Builder app plus cool demos & themes.
User 2878017 Photo

Customer Service Rep
23 posts

Hey everyone!

Hope your weekend wasn’t too spooky! We have just released another update for Responsive Site Designer 2.5 with Build 2379. Below you will find an overview of what this update offers.

• In case any of you came across faulty installs that ended with a message about your redistributables, we have updated the registry checks and got that fixed. There were also a few cases in which antivirus apps were causing downloads to be interrupted, so we hit two birds with one stone!

• Your projects will now automatically save during export. This way, what you saved matches exactly the project that you are uploading.

• For Windows folks, the program will now open as maximized, fullscreen, as long as that was the previous state it was closed in.

• Added a modified version of the Black Forest theme, this one makes use of the newest sticky position control!

• Updated components resolving any broken images.

• Beefed up the backend to keep any footer markup added remaining in its proper place.

• You now have the ability to enable/disable the autosave function. Plus you can customize the timeframe for when the autosave will take effect! More power to ya!

All of this, along with some internal performance updates to better your experience have been included..

Head on over to to download this free update, and let us know what you think!
User 2878017 Photo

Customer Service Rep
23 posts

Hi everyone! Responsive Site Designer v2.5 build 2386 is now available for download. Here’s what you will find in the latest release:

• We’ve replaced all placeholder image URL’s with https.
• Stabilized the app even further to prevent any random crashes, particularly when opening a project from the Theme Chooser.
• On occasions, a console error appeared when duplicating pages with symbols on mid-size projects. This has been fixed!
• Consecutively renaming duplicated pages cleared out the head/footer content in the new page. The same info now remains.

Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!
User 2878017 Photo

Customer Service Rep
23 posts

Responsive Site Designer v2.5 build 2400 is now available for download. Here’s what you will find in the latest release:

• From time to time the Delete Key function would not be triggered during Text Edit Mode, this is no longer the case!
• Fixed occasions where an exception would occur whenever a component was added to a canvas that already contained one.

Head on over to to download this free update, and as always keep on letting us know what you think!

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