Good Theme Structure as Wordpress Themes

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I design my website in Site Designer and/or Responsive Site Designer as a following structure:

Step 1 : Create a container with the class name "site-container"
Step 2 : Create a container with the class name "content-box"
Step 3 : Create a section of an "outer-row" container and give the class name "section-outer-row" container "outer-col" and give the class name "outer-col"
Step 4 : Now create as many columns what you want and we call them the "inner-container"
Step 5: Create in the outer-col a "inner-section-row" container, but the number of "inner-col" containers that you need

It is perhaps complex, but you will have very many opportunities to make adjustments, for example each section with a different format to the outer section.

The theme of yoga works in this way

Kind regards
Toekomstgerichte door ICT gebeten IT'er
Stephane Fonteyne
Ba. Elektronica - ICT
Application Software PowerBasic Developer
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