Where do I find the style sheet?

User 477564 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

I have been 'searching' the forums but haven't come up with a clear answer yet.

The question is: WHICH stylesheet do I attack to change the colors of the shop (style) to match the look-and-feel of my own website? I have found various .css files but none indicate that they belong to the 'style' chosen for my cart (which is called 'Back to school - default').

Any and all help appreciated !
User 515708 Photo

36 posts

Go into the root directory of your web site and open the folder where you shop/store is located.

Look for the CSS folder, withing that folder is the default.css file. This is where you can modify your look.
Michael Dane

"Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when they're already there?"
User 477564 Photo

Registered User
14 posts

Thanks ! Appreciate the quick reply !

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