S-Drive Traffic allowance?

User 153928 Photo

Registered User
123 posts

Sorry if it's been answered before (I did search...)

What is the traffic allowance for S-Drive hosting?
Is it tied in with your storage amount?
Do we have to sit in the corner if we exceed the allowance?

On a side note. While looking at other hosting options via difference forums, I noticed that some hosted sites were blocked from different countries for whatever reason I'm not sure. That wouldn't be an issue would it?
It's quite staggering how much bad-mouthing goes on about the different hosting companies (present company excluded) & those that get a good rap have prices that would make your eyes water.

Thanks for the heads-up guys!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Right now we put no limits on the amount of traffic to your site. However, if your site starts getting a very high volume of traffic, we will be in touch to discuss things. ;)

We put no restrictions on S-Drive like that. You can be located anywhere in the world. ;)
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User 153928 Photo

Registered User
123 posts

Thanks Scott re the traffic, I should be so lucky ;) and if they came with lots of $$$ for purchases even more so.

After considering all the options available hosting wise trust/value wise you guys are at the top of the list... will sign up later on. Gotta get the kids to school & myself to work!

Appreciate all you guys are doing.

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